Saturday, May 14, 2011

LKY and GCT leaves the cabinet


  1. SM Goh leaving is as predicted, but MM Lee may adopt the "listening to politics behind the bamboo curtain"
    tactic of Ching Dynasty Dowager Empress.
    We believe he would continue to pull strings from behind, he has said decades ago, if something is not right to him, he would still get up from his coffin, and put things right.

  2. Good news or bad news for the stock market?

  3. Yes, physically they are leaving the cabinet but I am not convinced the cabinet is free to make decisions...particularly LKY remains as MP in the Parliament.

    Too bad that i have no trust in them at all!

    Uniquely Singapore.

  4. SM position was invented in 1990 when LKY handed over premiership to GCT. There were actually three SMs then, LKY, GKS and Rajaretnam. After a few years or so when the transition was smooth, both GKS and Rajaretnam stepped down, leaving LKY as the only SM then.

    Then in 2004 when GCT handed over premiership to LHL, both GCT and Jayakumar were designated SMs. Apparently LKY was still concerned and MM position was invented.

    Jayakumar has stepped down earlier. Now that GCT and LKY have also announced stepping down, I think it best that this handholding system is done away with for good.
