Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Open letter from Tan Kin Lian

I have written this open letter to my fellow citizens of Singapore and urge them to vote for a MP who can be their voice in Parliament. I also discuss the consequence of four possible outcomes of this election. This should give courage to voters to vote for change. Please help to circulate my open letter. See TKL website or click here.

If you endorse this open letter, please give your particulars here.

Here are the people who endorse the letter and agree for their particulars to be published.


  1. Folks


    PAP of today is very, very, very
    different from Ong Teng Cheong,
    S. Rajaretnam, Goh Keng Swee,
    Tan Cheng Bok's era.
    Dr.Lily Neo, though a good PAP MP, is a lone voice in her own Party, she needs
    your elected MPs' support to carry weight in Parliament debates, else
    hard to stomach Policies and Bills
    will be as usual, bulldozed with not a whimper of protest.
    Time to take control of our political rights, we have been slumbering for decades. Surely you don't want another Lim Boon Heng, who has the conscience to object, but is forced to go along Party
    Doctrine, to approve reluctantly to open another sin industry, in the name of boosting
    economic growth. You need MPs to break up this herd mentality of the incumbent Party. The ball is thrown into our Court. Opportunity knocks only once.

  2. The following persons endorsed my letters and agree to be named:

    Your name Age Occupation
    Lye Khuen Way 58 manager
    Aw Yong Cheng 53 Process Shift Controller
    Ho Kah Fong 41 IT
    Peter Tan 46 Sales Consultant
    Ho Mong Kee 49 Self-employed
    Andrew Tan 51 Engineer
    Ang SP 63 Retiree
    Robert Ong 62 Executive
    Agatha Chew Yoke Kuen 43 retired

  3. I am updated while I am in Thailand. Thanks.

  4. The Brian Bummers page doesnt seem to load. Thanks.

  5. Kin Lian,
    The link provided in your Open Letter is no longer available. However, that page had been posted here:

    You can reproduce the page in a separate blog post on your own blog to complete your Open Letter.

  6. Ex-MP Dr Tan Ching Bock had voiced up for a low-cost re-structured hospital - not a "star hotel".

    All re-strutured hospitals are regisitred private companies !
