Saturday, May 28, 2011

Survey - Dr. Tan Cheng Bock

100 people responded to this survey on Dr. Tan Cheng Bock's bid for the Elected Presidency. Read the results in TKL website


  1. Sir, will you be bidding for the Presidency? Please do, we need people like you to be the voice of the people. :-)

  2. Yes, Mr Tan, you should stand for the Presidential election to keep a check on the govt.

  3. Mr Tan as you are formerly a PAP first non cabinet minister elected....and elected 5 times and you resigned just because you wanted to run for the position of President of Singapore do you think you can do justice for the people?????? As you are one of the PAP ppl I think you will support PAP rather than listen to the voices of the commoner.....
