Monday, May 16, 2011

Survey - LKY and GCT leaves cabinets

Here are what Singaporeans feel about their decision to leave the cabinet. 90 respondents participated in this survey within 20 hours. Direct link.


  1. The significant part of the survey results: "The key to any relationship (inclusive between government and the people) is that you have to give first and then keep giving. Don't stop and wait to receive. When you start keeping score, the game's over." Here come a sudden departure of MM & SM by quiting Cabinet citing reasons(among others) of trying to give PM and his team a 'fresh clean slate' to carry the country forward in a more difficult and complex situation.

    Many wonder why they did not choose NOT to contest GE 2011? It would be much more convincing by doing so.

    Again, nothing is further from the truth. Singaporeans like to believe the truth.

  2. On 15 May, MM meeting China VIP

  3. Wonder whether my ward's MPs would be the next to go. The only time we see their faces at our doorstep is a few days before election, after that,
    will never see them any more till next GE. Once bitten twice shy, will never go and see them at meet the people session, never bothered even
    to reply us on request for help.
    And they are using our tax contributions to pay these dida apa
    MPs' obscene salaries. Two days before election, they are our servants, after election, we are their servants and for five long years.
