Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Survey results - review of ministerial salaries

Here are the views of 97 people to this survey. It also includes their comments and views. TKL website


  1. Factors contribute to the power of a country in the world stage are
    population, econ & military capabilities, strategy purpose, political will to pursue the national strategy.

    Link the factors to the leadership of a ruling government.

    Population - less than HK Special Zone

    Econ Capabilities - Not a member of G7

    Military Capabilities
    - Homeland defence is fair
    - SG strongly need many military co-op & treaty with superpowers to preempt enemy.

    Strategy Purpose
    - It was A team according to past government. This is subjective.

    Will to pursue national strategy
    - No.1 Airport & seaport, strong S$. It is a state economy.
    - House? Transport? Healthcare? Democracy? Freedom of speech? It is a state centric system.


  2. Perceived Power of a country=(Critical Mass + Econ Capability + Military Capability) x (Strategy Purpose + Will to Pursue National Strategy)

    By Polity Scientist Ray Clinie

  3. SG Econ Capability - In terms of GDP, Thailand is the largest econ power in SEA ! How much is PM Adbisit (Oxon Economist) is paid?

  4. Dear Mr Tan,

    This is an issue which you might wish to highlight.

    Regarding the upcoming Presidential election, there is a strong possibility that it might be a walkover election. Even if there is a PAP candidate (e.g. George Yeo), PM Lee, at this particular juncture, would rather not have a separate power centre apart from himself. After all, an elected President would have a more popular and direct mandate (arising from the huge number of voters in the whole of Singapore) than the PM (who was merely directly elected by the people of Ang Mo Kio GRC). Given the current insecurities of PM Lee, he might prefer not to have a Presidential election instead. It's something worth considering.

  5. The review to us means those Ministers with multiple posts would get a pay rise owing to increased work burden, and this includes PM Lee, he has now given himself the post of GIC Chairman, so an extra
    avenue of income for himself.
    Great, a pay rise under the disguise of a Review. We must be treated like a three year old kid, so easy to be hoodwinked.
