Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tag our bags and small children

My family went on an outing to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney. During the trip, my grand daughter Vera lost her favourite bag containing some expensive clothes and toys. This is a picture of the bag.

We realised that she had left her bag behind several hours later. We were 100 km away and it was too far and too late for us to go back to look for it.

I should have placed a tag (with my name and mobile number) on her bag. This would have allowed an honest finder to call the owner by mobile phone.

This tag is also useful to be attached to the pant of a small child who might get lost in crowded stations, ferries or tourist spots. If the child is lost, it is easy for a adult to call the parent.

The next time that I travel with a young child, I would bring along several tags to be used in all the bags and small children. I hope that this tip is useful for you when you travel on a vacation.

Tan Kin Lian

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