Sunday, May 08, 2011

What do you think of the election results?

Here is Mr Wang's view.

Give your views in this survey.


  1. I think i know why PAP won.

    We have a greying population who do not like change. Many of the old people would vote PAP because they have been conditioned to do so for many years.

    Also, it was because of the many people who didnt bother to vote with their eyes open.

    We had many invalid votes and more than 10% of the eligible voters who did not vote.

    We have many self righteous people in Singapore who think they need to rely on PAP to continue to have a good life. These self-righteous people are also the ones that do not do much to help their fellow Singaporeans who are suffering.

  2. Opposition parties fought a good election. No incidents defamatory remarks or lawbreaking behaviours. Instead it was PAP candidates who treaded dangerously on the grey areas with LHH alleging messy accounts in Hougang and TPL stretching cooling day laws.

    Regrettably George Yeo, one of few intelligent gentlemen left in PAP, was placed in a sure-lose situation. It's not his fault as GCT has said, he has done nothing wrong. But GCT didn't add, it's PAP fault. Look at GCT own result.

    A young girl Nicole Seah managed to take more than 40% off GCT. Ditto GMS against MBT. An old man CST also managed to take more than 40% from two ministers, WKS and NEH. All 23 WP candidates scored above 40% with 6 winning. PAP scraped through 2 wards at 51%.

    I was appointed a counting agent. One thing I noticed in the counting centre, rejected votes were very high, not a good sign. This is an area of political education that Singapore needs to look into and improve on.

  3. With PAP losing 1 GRC and a drop in their overall percantage, They will tweak the election rules and grc boundaries for the next election, making it even tougher for opposition for contest.

    We have missed the one and only golden opportunity to send in highly qualified and dedicated candidates into the parliament.

    PAP now know their weakness. They will reinforce it. Its going to get even tougher now for oppositions to challenge them.

  4. This >10% of eligible voters who somehow did not "vote" is interesting. Not sure if they were all oversea working or on Holidays.... The absolute number is no small change.
    % of spoilt votes were fairly consistent across the land.

  5. There is talk on cyberspace that George Yeo is slated to be made a sacrificial lamb by the PAP.
    Guess there is something cooking up.
    If true, poor old Georgie, he is the most likeable of all PAP Ministers.

  6. More than 13000 eligible voters in Marine Parade didn't vote. This is a major concern. I don't think there are so many people working or travelling overseas, so whats the real issue for not voting? Are they not happy to see the candidates put up by either party and decided not to cast their votes?

  7. @Vincent Sear:

    Those who cast spoilt votes ended up in a lose-lose situation. If you are not with the PAP, you are against the PAP. So why not vote opposition? Perhaps they reckon they could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. At the end of the day, they lose because had they voted opposition, there would have been a chance for change. By voting neither side, they settled for more of the same. By letting others determine who should lead, they give up control of their destiny. Lose again.

  8. After reading these blog entries, whether a vote is considered spoilt or not is a big question mark:

  9. Spoilt vote is actually a Singlish term. You can't spoil your vote, you can perhaps spoil your children. The official term is Rejected Vote. There're clear and fair definitions and parameters and thousands of votes I've witnessed to. It's a fair process.
