Saturday, June 04, 2011

Be our People's President

Dear Mr Tan
I am deeply delighted and pleased to read about your consideration to stand as a candidate in the coming Presidential Election.
Singapore needs a People's President, a President who is not only well-loved by fellow Singaporeans but one who will be a strong advocate of Singaporeans and champion their rights and interests.The results of the General Election have shown that Singaporeans are generally not satisfied with life as it is now in Singapore. We need a President who will be able to feel for the common men and women on the streets and act on their behalf.
In the last few years, Singaporeans have seen how you are a strong advocate for Singaporeans, e.g in the advocating of the rights of ex mini-bond investors and most importantly you have been giving invaluable advice to Singaporeans on various arenas of life in your blog and website.
My friends, colleagues and I really hope you can contest in the coming Presidential Election and win the election to be Singapore People's President!
Thank You.
Best Regards,
Singapore Short Stories

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