Saturday, June 04, 2011

Beliefs and principles

Dear Tan K L, 

You are the right man to run for President. My family will vote for you.

Once I had an email exchange with you when you were CEO Income. Though we could not agree, you have gained my respect. You stood by your beliefs and principles and did what you thought was for the overall good of the motor insurance industry. You also took the trouble to personally handle your email with your customers. That clearly shows your concern for your customers, whether they agree with you or not. 

I believe you have an independent mind and clearly wants to do what is truly good for the people of Singapore. We need more independent minded, able and honest people like you to stand up for the people of Singapore. Institutions like the Presidency can only work well if they are helmed by good people. 

It is time to show PAPhile 
Singaporeans that the incumbent ruling party does not have a monopoly of good people. If anything, GE2011 shows that they are already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Clement Song

1 comment:

  1. MR Tan should make a viable presidential candidate. IT is preferable to have a non party related (even those who left the party) elected president. However being a non PAP related elected president of singapore is like walking into a warzone without weapon, armour and logistic support.
