Friday, June 03, 2011

Certificate of Eligibility for Presidential Election

My friend collected the Certificate of Eligibility form for the EP election on my behalf today. I have still not decided to stand for election, as my wife has reservation about my participation. 

Read this statement.

Png Eng Huat collect the forms


  1. Whatever you decide, you will always have our admiration and respect.

    You gave a voice and you stood up for the Singaporeans who were conveniently "overlooked".

  2. Go for it, Mr. Tan. Give them a run for their money.

  3. Hi, Mr Tan, i volunteer to be your helper if you choose to run.

    Victor Lee

  4. I suppoort you for presidentialelection. Tan Cheng bock and george Yeo are ex pap minister and MPs. I am quite uncomfortable about it.

  5. Would you participation result in splitting the votes for the non-PAP candidates, assuming that a PAP-endorsed candidate is expected?

  6. Hi Mr. Tan, please go for it. If you need me, I volunteer to support and help campaining for you. Cheers.

  7. TKL could test PM Lee's resolve for reforms and change by standing for this EP.
    Go for it, Mr. Tan, many people would vote for you.

  8. Many people find TKL far too conservative, thinking too much of ifs and buts.
    Look at Tan Cheng Bock, he's not afraid to bark around of his intention, as long as he could bark,
    he's gyrating on the nerves of the PAP, as face is so important to them.
    Tan has a thick face, if he's out, so what, it's no big deal to him.
    We like that gungho attitude.

  9. Mr Tan KL, you already have my vote even before today's announcement. I've always had you in mind!
