Thursday, June 30, 2011

Contest the Presidential Election

If I get the certificate of eligibility, I will contest the Presidential election. I have already started to send out my message by e-mail to my supporters and asking them to send out the message to their friends, colleagues, neighbours and acquaintances. Many of them are responding positively.

I will pay for the election deposit on my own. I have already collected sufficient pledges to cover the basic expenses (but on a modest budget). If there are more donations, I can increase the outreach activities after the campaign starts.

I have now decided to proceed with a three corner contest. (I read in the mainstream media that Dr. Tan Cheng Bock is not open to discuss this matter and has said categorically that he will not withdraw from the contest.).

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Thanks for giving all voters a choice. May the best man win.

  2. Dear Mr Tan

    You have the heart of the people, evidenced by your pledge to donate at least 50% of the EP's annual salary to charity.

    In addition, given your background you have the ability to ask pertinent questions related to our national reserves. This has put you in more than a well qualified position as the elected president to safeguard our national reserves.

    Your courage to speak up though may put you at odds with some people but I see this as a positive attribute for such a position. Many Singaporeans do not want a president who is just a mere puppet. Nevertheless, you have also pledged to work amicably with the elected government. And this approach is a win-win for all Singaporeans!

