Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Encouraging developments in Singapore

When PM Lee made the sweeping changes in the cabinet, I shared the views of many other people that the new ministers may not be able to handle the issues that they have to take charge of.

So far, the developments have been encouraging:
  • The minister for national development has decided to build 25,000 new flats and over 10,000 rental flats quickly
  • The minister for transport is seen taking buses.
  • Many ministers are more proactive in getting feedback from the public and responding to them in a positive way.
We may be seeing a new style of governance and political climate in Singapore.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. To believe or not to believe, all new brooms sweep clean, we just stand aside to watch.
    Hope that in due course, they won't get tired and revert back to their high on the pedestal kind of attitude, and look down on us as daft citizens,
    and needing spurs stuck on our backside.
    Nevertheless we are still skeptical, five years is a long way to go, and are they putting up, what netizens said, a wayang show. PAP, prove us wrong.

  2. I think another thing that the ministers can look into is how to raise the incomes of the average singaporeans to reduce income inequalities. I am sometimes shocked at how much the cost of living has increased in singapore. For example, the consultation fees at govern polyclinics is now $9.50
    Foreign investments seem to be benefiting the rich, because assets prices are inflated leading to rising cost of living.
