Thursday, June 16, 2011

Endorsement for Tan Kin Lian

Many supporters have asked encouraged me to stand for election as President.
I like to ask them to write an endorsement along the lines set out here.
You can provide the endorsement here.
You can view the statements that I have issued previously here.


  1. No ill intention to what follows below.
    TKL should just go boldly forward and take part in the EP, without further asking for Singaporeans for approval or endorsement.
    What matters to us is the PAP's reaction to your application, and whether they would endorse you.
    Want to put PM to the test, what he said before GE is genuine or just empty talk, no action. We want to see real reforms and changes, if they block other independent candidates other than their own, then PM would lose credibility in our eyes. Tony is too close to the Lee family for comfort, and we would continue to be skeptical to any staged show put up by the Govt.
    Even though TKL is former PAP member, we want the choice of voting for the lesser of the two evils, if there is no other private sector candidates on the plate. We don't want a boring candidate like Nathan any more.
    For the same matter, we want to watch how PM Lee would handle Tin Pei Ling's contravation of his very own no campaigning rule
    on "Cooling Off Day" in the recent GE. It is his very own Party member, not the opposition, that ran foul of his rule.
    Together with the EP race, let's see how genuine PM is.

  2. Dear yuyuan
    I hope that the endorsements, when posted, will encourage other people who do not know me well, to join them in voting for me. I hope that you will also give your endorsement, as you may be able to appeal to people in your circumstance.

  3. Sure, you could count on our votes on your past bold deeds at Hong Lim Park, and your unprecedented gesture of donating a good part of the Presidential pay to charity should you win. But can't vouch for my elderly, ignorant mother's support.
    Be brave, even if you do not win, so what? No big deal, reputation still intact, face not worth a single cent.
    If so, you TKL " Hai Shi Yi Ge Hau Han".
    Got fed up with those staged TV charity shows presided by President Nathan, all donations from the Industries and citizens, not a single cent from the President's own pocket. So your gesture to donate is a big plus.

  4. Hi
    You can read the endorsements here:
    I hope that many of my supporters will come forward to share their views and also to use them to influence their friends and colleagues.

  5. I endorse you as the natural choice for the next Elected Presidential elections.

    You will follow-in the foot-steps of Yusof Ishak, Benjamin Sheares and Wee Kim Wee.

    How may I help you in canvassing for your votes ?

    Andrew 9galaxystar888)
