Friday, June 10, 2011

Justice and the rule of law

A few people have asked for my personal views on the following:

a) Internal Security Act
b) Mandatory death sentence, i.e. the President's power to grant a pardon
c) Operation Spectrum - arrest of the Marxist conspirators

The general principle is - we need laws to be passed for the good of the country and the people. The laws have to be fair and have to be exercised honestly and fairly. 

My view on the first two items are similar to the views set out here. I have discussed these two matters with VSL and he has put them into the appropriate words. My views on Operation Spectrum are set out here and are based on the limited facts that are available to me.

I wish to add that these types of decisions should be debated and decided by Parliament, which is elected by the people to play this role, and should not depend on the personal views of an Elected President (whoever he may be).

Tan Kin Lian

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