Saturday, June 11, 2011

Listing Singapore's physical assets

Dear Kin Lian,

I would like to share my opinion on an issue with you.

One of the points mentioned by Mr. Ong TC was "That the Accountant-General had informed him it would take 52 man-years to provide him with a list of the Government's physical assets".

Even if this is true, then we should in my opinion just spend the 52 man-years to get it listed. Besides the president, don't the government of the day need to know the list of assets it has in its control so as to deploy them for the maximum benefit to the people?

Furthermore, we have spent many orders of magnitude more than 52 man-years on lesser or even frivolous things. Think of the man-power and resources used for the YOG or building a meandering "river" at Bishan. Do we sincerely think these are more important things for the government to spent resources on?



  1. Such frivolous and unnecessary expenditure. Why don't the Govt spend a bomb on solving the flooding problem, which is more pragmatic and urgent. Householders and businessmen and Insurance Companies
    would give grateful thanks.
    Now whenever there is heavy continuous rain, they have to live on edge, like Jack in the box.
    Only mental doctors would be happy, as they have more patients to soothe their edgy nerves.

  2. The 52 man-years is all hyperbole. If the exercise is divided into 20 departments, each involving 5 people, the answer can be nailed down in 6 months.

  3. What has the Accountant-General been doing for the PAST 51 years ?

    Shouldn't the AG be taking stock of this type of data from day 1 ?

  4. rex comments as follows,

    I think that is a very excellent point. 52 man years is just that, 52 man, one year. Is that a problem?
    How much it costs:
    Say $4,000 salary for each of the 52 man.
    That means, $208,000
    Add in overheads say 50%.
    total= $312,000.
    It's very cheap!!!!!!
    It's less than one month of Mr Nathan's salary... he could forgo 13th month pay maybe, for the sake of peace of mind of Singaporeans!!

    YOG overan by $300,000,0000.

    Why we are stingy over 52 man years?
    It's very very very cheap!!


  5. If my boss asked me a question.

    And I told him it would take me 52 man-years to get back to him with an answer. I'd probably get marked down for the next few years.

    Unless, my boss's boss whispered in my ear that he will "protect" me from my boss.
