Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Make Singaporeans important

Dear Mr Tan,

I am very very happy that you are running for President.

I am a middle aged Singaporean of Indian descent, but a Singaporean first. Having grown up here, I have deep feelings and concern for my country. I feel that there has been a rapid degeneration of our social and moral fabric, especially in the last 10 years. The PAP led government has lost its moral high ground and all its decisions seem to be driven purely by the priority to make money. This drive has led to a huge influx of the so called "foreign talent" and foreign labor, at the cost of damage to our social fabric. In short, they have sold us out.

I do understand the need to bring talented people to Singapore, but the government did not strive for a balance - they went for a "greedy" solution. So today,  the bond I felt as a Singaporean is no longer there. I did my NS and I studied in NUS. When I had the option to leave, I stayed. So I feel very disappointed in the current state of affairs. My faith in the government and the PAP has largely faded, like so many other Singaporeans. I do not trust them anymore, and I am very worried about where we are headed as a country and a society. I worry about the Singapore where my children will grow up.

So I really hope that you will hold the government to task, once you are elected, and you will work towards making Singaporeans important to Singapore again. Your suggestion of producing an annual report showing the reserves of Singapore is something that most Singaporeans will want. I hope you will make that happen as never in our history has the need for transparency been greater.

The truth of the matter is, for all the good the PAP has done in getting Singapore to where it is, it is in decline (and has been for some time). While the actions of our Prime Minister, post election, are encouraging, they will only serve to slow down the decline of the PAP, not stop it. We are headed for a transitional period  where the PAP led government will no longer have the moral authority to dictate things anymore, and Singaporeans will not take things lying down. So we need a President who will hold the PAP government to task and who will work towards unifying Singaporeans.

I will be voting for you and I will tell my friends and family to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. This letter sums up very well the feeling of a big majority of Singaporeans.

    If elected, please do not disappoint us! We will continue to pray for you for the much needed 'wisdom and grace' in carrying out your duties and responsibilities and without fear.

    Thanking you in advance.
