Sunday, June 12, 2011

President has executive powers


  1. On the comments of Think Happiness
    Blogspot, TKL is called a "big Mouth" who wants to seek the limelight.
    Rather a "big mouth" than a meek as a lamb Puppet President. Mr. Tan may not clear the Endorsement hurdle, but if cleared and elected, would bring a dose of fresh air to the staid, boring Presidency. With his character, we don't expect him to keep his mouth shut. No Executive power? it's okay as long as he make queries and voice out his opinions. The Constitution has no mention can't ask questions, right.
    Every President seeks the limelight to shine, to be feted, and be known to the world. Even our PM wants to shine and be acknowledged as a man of his own ability. So the comments smack of hypocrisy and naive behaviour.

  2. Yuyuan
    I suggest that you post your comments on the Think Happiness blog, rather than here. You can also tell the poster about his hypocrisy and naive behaviour.
