Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Safeguarding the reserves

Many people have asked me, "Mr. Tan, if you were the Elected President, what would you do to follow the steps taken by President Ong Teng Cheong to safeguard our reserves"?

I have written this paper to explain the issues involved in performing this role and the new approach that I intend to take, if I were elected as President.


I have now decided to contest the Presidential Election (if I am given the Certificate of Eligibility). I shall issue a full statement today or tomorrow.


  1. Bravo Mr Tan!

    First step to solving a problem is to define and agree on what the problem is.

    Well done.

    The fact that this has not been done before shows that you are more than capable for the job.

    Your transparency and sense of duty to Singaporeans is like a breath of fresh air.

  2. Rex comments as follows,
    Dear PRESIDENT sir,
    Today, I am very happy to learn from your post that you have decided to GO ahead.
    IT is a very rare occurence to find a singaporean willing to take on the pap at the highest level. The degeneration of the standards of leadership and its continuing denial of many issues by the PAP, must be exposed and corrected at such level, and having the authority of President will certainly help you to facilitate the process.

    I fully support your full presidential bid and i think you would deserve every cent of 4 million a year if you could implement those courageous actions as highlighted in your White Paper. (as per your post)

    Finally i wish to thank also Madame Mrs President for finally being able to resolve the difficult issues concerning Mr Tan's decision.

    Many people in Singapore are waiting for this day.

    Long live President Tan Kin Lian,

  3. Hi Mr Tan

    Congratulations on your decision to stand for the presidential elections.

    I got to see you in person on numerous occasions when you championed for the Minibond investors.

    All of us could see how brave and passionate you were.

    You will be an asset to the nation if you become the president!

    My personal best wishes for your success in the upcoming election.


  4. Would accept the $4million salary or would you give most of it to charity?

  5. All other things being equal amongst the contesting candidates, Mr. Tan stands out due to his solid financial background. If he is elected he will go down in the history book as the first president to have actively participated at Speakers Corner and addressed opposition rallies.

    Good luck to you and sincerely hope that you will be eligible to contest.

  6. I like what I hear about the govt liabilities(bonds) and reserves status which are intelligent approach to key functions of the office of the Elected President. Of course we may response such as the info is state secret, etc and may be used against Singapore. If the info is not available publicly then they should be made available to all MPs who elected reps of the people. Further a time lag could be introduced for past info, where the financial status say 3 or 5 years ago can be made available to the general public.

  7. Congrats on taking up the challenge to serve the nation in the highest office! And now to battle.
