Sunday, June 26, 2011

Track record of Dr. Tony Tan

Now that Dr Tony Tan has formally announced his intention to contest in the Presidential Elections, it is timely to have a look at his track record when he was a political office holder. As he has had a long career as a PAP politician, it is not possible to fit all of the issues into a single blog posting. I will therefore be splitting up the discussion into several blog postings.


  1. The credentials and work tract record of TT, people are well aware of, and his contributions to our country are indisputable.
    That is exactly the reason why we say Tony is over qualified for the job of a ceremonial President.
    With both public administrative Governance and immense financial experience in managing our GIC Reserves, he should take up the job of Prime Minister of Singapore.
    It would be a waste of his talents and experience to be a mere non executive President, taking commands from the Cabinet, whose many members do not even measure up to a tenth of his worth.

  2. We have a lot of respect for Tony for being a man with immense integrity, he did not want to be a seat-warmer PM, and give way to Goh Chok Tong instead. But at the same time he cares a lot for Singapore, so prefers to work behind the scene. Coming feom a wealthy family, he does not need the high pay of a PM, unlike Goh Chok Tong who comes from a humbler background.
    It is really Singapore's loss, fading from Active Public Service.
    MM Lee really has great forsight, just that he could not convince Tony to be a seat warmer for him.
    It is also GIC's loss to have him resign from service.

  3. ..over qualified..(Yujuan)

    Do u mean 大柴小用?

  4. The other way round, small use for big talent.
