Friday, June 10, 2011

Trading in Govt Bonds in SGX

Read the details in

1 comment:

  1. Investors on SGX should by now realise this Stock Exchange is more and more like an Alibaba Exchange, with lax regulations for shady foreign Companies to list here. Many listed Chinese Companies whether here or in other countries have irregularities in their accounts,
    and by the time the main shareholders and the Board of Directors are exposed, it's too late for Singaporean minority shareholders to get to run. Any Chinese Company with their business operations back in their countries is a suspect. Self protection means NEVER invest in
    S-Chips listed here. The blue
    S-chip Companies would list in Hongkong, so better invest in the SAR if one wants to get a share of the Chinese pie. Never believe SGX or MAS for that matter would protect us. Too bad we have to psyche ourselves to throw out the baby together with the bath water.
    This is the only way to safeguard ourselves, no Authority here would protect you.
