Friday, June 03, 2011

Website - TKL for Elected President

I wish to thank well wishes for your e-mails and Facebook entries expressing support for the possibility of my standing for Presidential Election.

I wish to invite you to go to this website (still under development) for the following:

a) Click on "Register" and give your particulars, if you are willing to help me in the campaign or in any capacity (indicate in the notes).

b) Click on "Opinion" (to be changed to "Endorsement" later), if you wish to say a few words to endorse my candidature. I will post them in my website.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan Kin Lian,

    Singaporeans are currently divided strongly by their political affiliations. Many will say they can reunite Singaporeans but ONLY YOU CAN DO IT!

    History will be made right from the first day, if you are elected to the office of the elected presidency. You will be the first president of this republic to have participated actively in Speakers Corner and addressed the opposition rallies.

