Monday, June 13, 2011

Why the president cannot keep quiet

1 comment:

  1. No candidates have implied that the president is a centre of power unto himself, as claimed by former minister Mr. Jayakumar and his obedient disciple, Mr. Shanmugam, on the contrary at least one candidate has stated the direction that he will take in addressing an area that lacks transparency. I am sure the former minister and his disciple will agree that Singaporeans deserve transparency of this nation’s reserves, despite attempts by those holding executive powers withholding vital information from time immemorial. The former minister must also realize that he was a part of that executive powerhouse and in this instance the author who engineered those crafty legislations. Does he expect blind obedience to legislations of questionable validity by the dictates of clarity in the legal position. The statements made by the candidates so far are heartening, as they have affirmed their commitments to be a reunifying force to bring about a much needed change to a society divided strongly by political affiliations. I am indeed surprised that a former minister of his caliber should try to undermine and belittle that effort.

    The PAP’s extent at non-transparency always amazes me. Even during retirement their ministers chose to hide behind the masks of modern martial art. Ironically, they still chose a foreign one for a better camouflage. Their recent attempts at transparency have always been viewed with suspicion, as this has been their modus operandi whenever cleansing is required of their crooked intent!

    The former minister and the current Minister of Law failed to understand that a contest is a competition and a challenge of ideas and not merely a pronouncement of the role of presidency, as often exhibited by their peers in the past and present. Perhaps the former minister and Mr. Shanmugam should propose the likes of Yam Ah Mee if they truly believe in their own interpretation of a rigid-solid candidate. The Yam Ah Mees too need creative ideas to ensure a convincing win.

