Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yahoo Poll shows Tony Tan in the lead


  1. The forthcoming Presidential Election and for the winner, to a very large extent, will be determined by an important factor - "It's NOT about how much you know, but how much you care."

    The above-mentioned consideration is my position when choosing who should be the next 'People's President' for Singapore.

  2. Agree with michael13.
    I'm voting for the candidate who has demonstrated by visible actions that he truly cares.

    I'm sick & tired of scholar-elites who know a lot but kept quiet during the mini-bond fiasco. What's the use of all their scholarly achievements if they don't have courage to do what's right.

    TKL's offer to donate a substantial portion of his salary to charity has not gone unnoticed.

    As an "older" generation who remembers our old Singapore values ... thanks TKL ... for bringing back old memories.

    To the younger generation of Singaporeans, this was the type of spirit that built Singapore.

  3. I am still undecided between Tan Chengdu Bock and you; I definitely will not vote for Tony Tan.

  4. When Tony Tan was a MP. He promised to change the main door of HDB flat in Marsiling (Sembarwang GRC)

    Was it done? NO.

    And there was no explanation for his "NO"


  5. Folks, I will let this poll running for few weeks. Facebook poll also allows users to change their answers. So, I guess it would be good if we just let it running, makes sense? The results are for everyone to see. Please copy and paste following messages on your wall / pages / groups that you subscribe:



    Yahoo claims Dr. Tony Tan is frontrunner to be elected during PE2011 contest.

    You are invited to take part in citizen poll at

    In case you have not decided your preferred choice for P2011 or prefer not to say - please choose the last option.

    200 people have taken part in this poll. Thank you.


  6. Tony Tan had been SPH chief so long! Suppressing and covering news is his strong point. Ha! Why should he even come out for election? Another PAP ultimate moves? Well we can read you!
