Sunday, July 10, 2011

A shoo-in for the Presidency - P N Balji

Dear Mr. Tan

This highly flattering article last week about TT's candidacy has elicited 450 comments. Read for yourself.


  1. Anybody ever wonder Tan Cheng Bok is dragging his feet to submit his application for the EP.
    Is he under political pressure to withdraw the second time round?
    Say TT is elected as President,
    if there is another financial crisis happening, and GIC and Temasek again lost billions of State Funds, would TT be as independent to censure or even rebuke our two Sovereign Funds
    for again not savy enough "to see the crisis coming"?
    A classic example here of a conflict of interest. How independent could he be, given his close association with the PAP, and only "disconnected" at the 11th hour, just for the sake of meeting eligible requirements to have no political connection. How sincere could he be? What is his Agenda behind?
    So a shoo-in TT, and a shoo-out for the other two Tans?
    If TCB submits to his former Party's pressure to throw in the towel, then his claim to independence of the PAP or to having cold feet, will affect his credibility. Having no confidence and guts, just because "big Shot"
    Tony suddenly appears on the scene,and throwing him off his feet, who knows he may just quit.

  2. TKL should be very proud of his blog for being taken seriously by the PAP, with your commentators being watched just as seriously.
    TT echoed our comments like the Constitution is not cast in stone, becoming the 11th Commandment of God, i.e. The Constitution could be tweaked to address citizens' concerns and expectations of a President, and only he, Tony Tan, with his close PAP connections and associations, could influence the Govt to do exactly that, and not the other two Tans. So better vote him, if we want changes.
    The same strategy as his PAP colleagues - if you want upgrading in your ward, you have to vote PAP, otherwise "Main Tan".
    This is his Agenda.

  3. Said Mr Tan Kin Lian: "It is difficult to reach out to the population of several million voters with just one election rally. With such limited outreach opportunities, the Singapore mainstream media would have a huge amount of influence on the Presidential Elections. Any problem with only one rally? WP MP keeping quiet??? ??? ???
    An important clue popped up when Tony Tan was asked about the president's role as defined by the constitution: "Obviously, no constitution is set in stone for ever, and I would expect the government of the day to review it from time to time and to make changes where necessary, with the approval of parliament. (PAP MP or WP MP)" WP MP keeping quiet??? ??? ???

  4. How can we trust Tony Tan to oversee the security of our reserves when we can even trust him to come clean on his "independency" as a presidental candidate. Vote for integrity and honesty!

  5. all the candidates being ex-pap has elicited doubts from citizens as to whether the new president will be their is up to them to prove that they have what it takes and that they arent blinded by party loyalty.

  6. The author P N Balji once worked for MediaCorp Press Ltd (Editor of TODAY] and both SPH and MediaCorp Press Ltd merged the free newspaper ops.

    So TT was once Balji's boss before?

    TT's link with the ruling party is too close for comfort ?...

    Read :-

    When everything is too close for comfort, we need to look deeper into the subject...for a clearer answer.

    Take a look at the comments.

  7. Mr Tan, are you trying to draw attention to the comments becos there are many negative comments by netizens there? Don't we all know that netizens are usually negative towards established figures? Or in this case ex-estab.
