Saturday, July 09, 2011

Voice of a NS man

Mr Tan,
I hope that u can protect the interests of us NS men.we have had to involuntarily sacrifice 2.5 yrs of our lives in an establishment we might not even like, People whom we can't get along with, job not even suitable for us, all for the sake of national defense. It's ludicrous that after that,we are disadvantaged rather than favored. 

The law has various places which are biased against men,and this aspect is most obvious. I hope u can push for moves that would put everyone on an equal playing field, making us a truly equal country. A possibility is to mandatorily recruit girls of age into healthcare establishments as their service to the nation, so they can contribute too.

Another concern is whether foreigners would have leverage over locals as they do not need to serve in our security.this aspect has the bulk of singaporeans concerned.

In addition to the meagre NSf allowance, many are coerced into offering ord treat just before they pass out. I myself had paid out $40 while later realising it wasnt a cause well spent.



  1. While you serve the nation your job is taken by the FTs conveniently.

  2. One thing I wonder is, can giving a man a job also buy his patriotism?

    Maybe your idea of having our girls serve NS as nurses can be extended to the FT by setting up a military hospital so they can serve the nation in this capacity.

  3. I only wish the SAF can be more professional in their treatment of people undergoing their mandatory service.

    Abusing of authority is rampant and the norm. I had been wrongly charged once and even when the Brigade S3 found out about the mistake he still proceeded to charge me. Reason he gave was "Because I can". And when I refused to pay the fine he threatened to detained me regardless. How can anyone serve the nation proudly under such authority.

    Recent articles about the police high handedness brought back these bitterness in me. All because the authority has cultured a "Because I can" mentality. Unfortunately,no one has spoken out against all these. When the ministry does not speak out and the people's president does not speak out the resentment for authority will continue. If there is no reciprocation how do we know we are being heard or represented.

  4. Izy,
    Just grit your teeth and pray daily for the "wasted time" in your NS to pass quickly.
    Your Reservice would also be similarly wasted, time spent on napping in camp, doing some jogging, and maybe some field work, and viola,your 2 weeks are up already.
    No use lamenting, even a new citizen who did no NS, could become an MP, what could all the young men do? You have to defend this newbie PAP MP, that's your job at NS.

  5. Frankly, I can't support a call for female Singaporeans to serve NS. I don't want my female kins, relatives and friends to do NS. We all have our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives etc.

    However, I of course support improvement in the treatment of and compensation to NSman who has to bear with it and do the job.

  6. from one anonymous to another,talking about abuse..well,there was this female sarg,who wasnt satisfied with how i carry out my duties,even though i have never offended her,she went in front of my peers and told them in chinese i'd be better off dead cuz im useless.when i confronted her all she said was "U FUCKING SHUT UP!" very loudly.another time she tried to get me in trouble over merely resting abit before lunchtime.i merely raised my voice a little to ask her not to pursue the matter(and believe me i tried persuading her politely for quite long),a newbie lieutanent came out and accused me of insurbodination and giving me extra duties.a junior,over a dispute with him harasssing me constantly during work,threw a cup of juice at me while i was exiting the cookhouse,all he got was a warning,which he didnt heed and continued to taunt me when he could.a senior,during guard duty,deliberately woke up late by 20min and ate into my rest time,and the guard com didnt even force him out on time.all these goes to show when u can work people u get your way.if not u are stuck at the bottom.

  7. To level the playing field in the employment landscape in Singapore between
    Singapore Citizens,
    Permanent Residents and

    All Permanent Residents have to perform national service in the Civil Defense,
    Cleaning Service,
    Community Service,
    Gardening Service,
    Building Service,
    for duration of at least 1 month per year upto the age of 45 years old.
    (45 is the average age of Run Out Date for Singapore Citizens National Service Officers[50] and Other Ranks[40])

    All employers of foreigners on
    Employment pass (P, Q1, Q2 passes),
    S-pass and
    Work Permit
    are to be subjected to levies equivalent to
    CPF employer rate + 2%, i.e.
    16.5% + 2% = 18.5%
    The 2% is to compensate for the fact that
    Singapore male Citizens have to perform national service up to 40 or 50 years old and
    Singapore married female Citizens are disadvantaged by 4 months of maternality leaves when giving birth.

    If the above are implemented, then we can say Singapore is truly a country where everyone competes base on ability and
    NOT base on who is more cheaper.

  8. We voted political parties in the GE

    They become Members of Parliament

    Members of Parliament represent us

    Members of Parliament vote inside parliament on white papers etc to pass them into laws, acts etc.

    This means the MP's votes represents us. This is democracy.

    The next time you vote in the GE think about the above.

    The only normal way to change is through this.

    The other way is protests and violence. Choose.

  9. I agree I don't think girls should be made to do NS. They will be sexually harassed. There was once some time back when a top graduate of OCS was found to be a rapist. he went on to rape another women. If the government allows rapist to be officers then I think girls will be at risk wheb they do NS

  10. Being a Singaporean male is just tougher..
