Monday, July 04, 2011

Why I support Mr Tan Kin Lian - Catherine Kwang

Watching him at Speakers' Corner helping the helpless,
Reading his blog as he continuously and tirelessly educate
the layman and empowering them and me,
Witnessing personally the enormous support from his former
colleagues from NTUC Income,
Seeing the strong bond he has with his family,
And finally, meeting him in person.

I am even more determined to support him.

What you see is what you get.
Not pretentious, not trying to please people but just being
himself. This is his greatest strength. This is my kind of
President. And I think he will be a very interesting and
special president. But most of all, I believe I can take him
at his word and he will be a president with a heart for the people.

Catherine Kwang


  1. Agree with Kate.
    For all of TKL's faults and pettiness, we would still support him for the EP.

    1. Without him to stand up for
    the injustice that minibond
    investors are subjected to,
    all victims won't get a cent
    back, as our Govt had no guts
    to admit they should not allow
    these deceptive derivatives to
    be sold to unsuspecting public,
    many didn't know the big Word
    D in their life at all. PAP
    thought they could easily sweep
    all the dirt under the carpet,
    and bully the daft investors as
    they have done along.
    2. He use his own precious time to
    to educate the public on the
    art of financial investment and
    managememt, so that we won't be
    doped by both brokers and the
    3. He did all that, knowing well
    he would incur the wrath of the
    PAP, and which led to him
    dumping the Party membership in
    the process.
    4. Last, but not least, he agrees
    with us the pay for the EP is
    shamelessly too high for a
    mainly ceremonial post, whose
    wings are clipped by the PAP in
    any final decision, and he is
    willing to give up a good part
    for charity.

    We no longer accept the PAP to be so kiasu and kiasi, that even the decorative EP has to be their own kind, to facilitate the total control of power in their own hands. The Constitution is man-made, and thus not cast in stone to be the 11th Commandment of God,
    it should be tweaked somewhat to give some Real Power to the EP, so that he would be less of a Puppet.

  2. Yujuan, it is quite impolite of you to be passing remarks or judgement about me - and I do not really want to appear petty.

  3. I can agree 100% with Ms Catherine Kwang's observation about Mr Tan.

    Just had a chance on Sunday to "educate" someone. He could not tell me why TKL is "no-good" !

    I just told him what TKL stands for without saying any bad things about anyone else !

    Made my day, if you know what I mean.

  4. Dear Mr. Tan, Yujuan remarks is true, My parents are one of the victim involve the Minibond, and without your blog to guide us, we wouldn't collect a single cents back even though we are not fully refund. Shame to PAP's.

  5. If anyone hates TKL it must his former insurance salesmen and the new management.Today ntuc salesmen(not financial consultants;they are NOT fit to be called consultants)have been bought over with high commission and incentive trips and other incentives.These salesmen don't care they are enjoying these incentives at the expense of their trusting customers.They are greedy and have no conscience. They don't realise they are not competent and qualified in this financial industry.Wake up , ntuc agents! Put your clients' interest first and don't short change them.

  6. Tan Kin Lian brings lots of positive constructive values to the Istana, assume that he is voted to be our next President Elect. I have one word to describe Tan Kin Lian : elegance. Today many Singaporeans employees are working more jobs for a lesser money, but Tan Kin Lian inspired me much with his modest 'shoe-string' campaign budget. Here is one citizen-President hopeful who can do much and more with lesser ;who readily to encourage Singaporeans to courAGEOUSLY volunteer and service the Singapore public. I endorse Tan Kin Lian to all Singaporeans as our Elected President.
