Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Being more professional - changes after 2007

Comment posted in my blog

I am puzzled by what Lim Swee Say has said below:

I am an NTUC Policyholder for more than twenty years and I can say with certainty that there is a noticeable change since then. How can NTUC Income be more professional now than before when:

1. I used to get a response from their staff by the next working day and now I do not even get a response within a week.

2. I used to get a response from their CEO within the same day and now I do not get a response from their CEO even when I try to call him and wait for a return call.

3. NTUC Income used to be frugal but now spend excessively on expensive chairs and posh venues for their meetings.

4. Bonuses and returns to policyholders were cut unilaterally, even for policies that are supposed to garner higher returns with higher premiums paid specifically for the higher returns.

5. In the past, there were many policies that give good value, e.g. foundation policies, living refund etc where premiums are very low and protection high while now the policies are mainly high premiums but low protection and returns.

If LSS thinks that by being seated on expensive chairs and existing in posh environments is being more professional then he is just being shallow.

If LSS thinks that a CEO should not have to give a response to policyholders but to delegate it to his juniors then it is probably a reflection of his own misguided leadership style.

If LSS thinks that by having designer office furniture and vases on display highlighted by special lighting is being professional then he is wrong as policyholders want value from their policies and not showroom visualisation effects.

Or maybe I am wrong and LSS is just too busy with his CPF statements or is suffering from a case of chronic "Deaf Frog" syndrome and not aware of what is happening on the ground.


  1. What to do, LSS and his party had won the last election.

  2. I have taken up more than 10 policies with Income,and majority of them were taken up when Mr Tan was the CEO. The first policy with Income was signed up in 1988.

    I would say Income today is different from the old days....and I disagreed with the comments by our Minister Lim.

  3. LSS is not qualified to speak on this matter as he was not involved whan TKL was the CEO

  4. NTUC Income is now more commercial than cooperative in nature.
    Invited to be a shareholder while TKL was CEO, noticed over the years the dividend rate has been increasing, at times 7% p.a.
    Looks like profit is the main motive for this so-called cooperative, besides the expensive furniture, venue rentals and bonus incentive tours given to top staff and agents.
    Now, who are the main shareholder of Income? Bingo! The Govt.
    Being a minority shareholder, I shouldn't be complaining, biting the hand that feeds me.

  5. U kenna TOTO if U get a reply from him.

  6. In Singapore which other CEO has his e-mail address on his company's website except Mr. Tan?

    Why all the unfair remarks about Mr. Tan? Let Singaporeans decide whether we want a President who has the courage to speak up or one who will plaster up his mouth.

  7. I have taken 4 policies when TKL was the CEO. It is so different now compared to now. Very sad!
