Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Being more professional - negative impact

Comment posted in my blog
I read LSS's  comment with extreme disappointment. This is apparently one of the key problem which the world and Singapore is facing today. Unfortunately our government is still 'blinded' by this Anglo-Saxon management philosophy which does not be necessary superior to the old managment school of Taylorism and Fordism. 

Many people talk about 'professional' loosely today. Many organisations (including MNCs) manage their business based on 'Anglo-Saxon professionalism' approach but look what it leads to our world today i.e. more management greed and short-termism (masquerading in the glorious name of 'professionalism') has led to rampant corporate downfalls and frauds. This so-called 'professionalism' also led to higher operating expense. Transaction costs (dead weigh loss) increase and customers' benefits have eroded to milk the so-called 'more professional management'. 

You know what I mean if you look closely at our current state of public services and operations (e.g. utilities, medical, transport etc). To me, professionalism are based on the principles of 'fairness', 'integrity', 'transparency', 'honesty' and 'reasonable costs'. Some of these principles do coincide with TKL's philosophy which he has stated clearly at the inception of his campaign. I do not need a highly paid 'professional' team to manage 'public services / goods' and 'co-operative'. All I need is TKL's good principles and cost effectiveness. Hope LSS and government get the picture right. 


LSS is Lim Swee Say, Secretary General of NTUC and Minister in Prime Minister's Office


  1. this is what is going on in ntuc income. In the name of professional everything went up, million and millions of dollars went to spruce up and refurnish the old cooperative building. This money could have been part of the life fund and would have gone to policyholders.To cover up came the bonus cut and dubiously got the army of dumb agents to go out to con their customers into beleiving that the cut for their good. Look at their product returns you know what I mean, measly return after 30 years and negative in real return.Is this saving? professionalism is an idea to cover up increasing cost which is top heavy.The policyholders aren't born yesterday to believe the crap.

  2. when the new CEO took over INCOME, the whole colour scheme of income change to blue and red remember?

    That costs monies.

    Then in one year's time, the new CEO change the colour scheme to orange.

    That costs more monies.

    Those monies must have come out from the bonus share that the shareholders have been getting for at least 20 years (every 5 years, there is a bonus share issue).

    Judge for yourself if this is a good thing.

    I for one don't think so. I think the new CEO just know how to spend monies.

  3. Not his money wat.The policyholders have to pay, hor if the company wants to professionalise so that you policyholders can be associated with upmarket high flyer lifestyle company. Got style when you buy ntuc products so that you can live your life to the fullest. Wonder who? the salesmen with huge commission? the senior management with performance bonus? I wonder the govt is subsidising all the products if not who is paying them then?

  4. I suspect Govt wanted to sell off Income to make a quick buck and drive up insurance premium in the process.

    This govt is mad.

    Everything good laid down by people such as Goh KS and Lim KS are all sold off to finance this govt's maddness.

  5. hi mr tan
    you will get the support of my family and i. 30 years of ensuring ntuc kept food prices, insurance prices, interest rates, housing and other basic necessities low ensured singapore minimised the development of an urban poor class. not to mention your willingness to sacrifice political opportunities for the interests of the masses and your speaking up against the banks in 2008 - all of which were unique and unprecedented. you truly have the peoples interests at heart and my vote. vijay (a lawyer)
