Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Some people observed that I blink often when I speak on TV. This is due to my dry eyes, which irritates me. I will have to apply eye drops to see if it solves the problem.


  1. All those software app. games for Toto, blinking eyes due to dry eyes
    are critics' propaganda, all which pale in comparison to the perceived abuse of power done by PAP endorsed EP candidate, Dr. Tony Tan. TT's preferential treatment of his son's NS obligation while he is Defence Minister, is a case on his integrity.
    They call it "Wu Fa Wu Tian" just because the young man is the son of his Elite father, more so a Defence Minister, also in charge of the sacred duty of every man, National Service.
    As some netizens commented, doing NS in the laboratory. The young man jolly well sweats out his NS obligation in the open fields for the 2 and a half years, before he doing any research work.
    What to do, my two sons are hopping mad now.

  2. i think you did great as Ivy said 100k voters is not bad..you will know better than i do - there is no short cut to success except through hardwork..springing up for a few months and hoping to win GE or PE are for the opportunists..aspiring candidates for public office should emulate Chiam See Tong & low Thia Kiang who work tiredlessly for 20-30years for the people, and the humility of Chen Shao Mao who walked behind LTK and Sylvia Lim in rally & in victory though he is earning >US$10m/yr and has given that up to serve the people..so don't give up 加油不要气馁..if you continue to serve and be humble you will be elected one day too..all these blinking stuff are totally superficial who believes them?
