Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Concerns of young people and parents

Young people and parents share the same concern for the young - getting a job and earning an adequate salary. However, parents are also worried about the difficulty faced by their children in finding a life partner and having children. The young people are not as worried over these matters as their parents - because they have other more urgent things to worry about. See this survey report.

Conclusion: If we are to encourage more young people to get married and have children, we need to look into the root causes of the problems.


  1. Nowadays is better not to have kids unless really can afford. High cost of living. Have to compete with FT in terms of studying and working in future. All these will actually drain them down. In Singapore not enough Money is difficult to survive. Now I feel pity for our young generations.

  2. Still lamenting.
    2 sons still refuse to consider marriage. One said he would only marry if he immigrates abroad. Pushing eldest to try surrogacy.
    Even suggesting would support financially the surrogate child, as long as his sperms sire the baby.
    Wish me luck.

  3. Just a thought about putting the cart before the horse.

    I'd suggest that if young people are happy about themselves and feeling secure about their future, it is only natural that they will want to get married and have children on their own volition.

    What's the point of "encouraging" young folks to get married and have kids if you (the government and parents) cannot give them the means to pursue happiness and security?

    Our comparison benchmark should be the Nordic / Scandinavian countries like Finland, Sweden etc. Population size similar to ours. Always in danger of being made redundant by a larger Europe. And yet somehow managing to thrive with good support for education and family friendly policies.
