Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cooling off Day for the Presidential Election

There will be no posting of articles and comments in this Blog for 26 August (Cooling Off Day) and 27 August (Presidential Election). Posting will resume at 8 pm on 27 August. 


  1. I personally feel that Tony Tan and Tan Cheng Bock are working too long with the PAP, so the PAP mindset of "i'm always right" have long been part of their character which is difficult to change. We do not want a President who is a Mr Yes man to the government. As both Tony Tan and Tan Cheng Bock keep emphasizing on the Constitution, will either one, if elected, tells you one day that it is the PM that makes the decision and it is not mine? And I cant do much because it is part of the Constitution? Next is Tan JS, i personally feels that he is more suited as an opposition MP so that his statements can be better put across during parliamentary debate. . My heartfelt support goes to Tan Kin Lian. Why? (1) He is not from any political party who stepped down for this PE, (2) Many people are actually policyholders of NTUC Income which was run previously by Tan Kin Lian, don;t you think that your welfare has been much better taken care of compared to the other insurance companies? This just prove that he is always thinking of US. (3) He helped those suffering from distress from the Lehman Brother saga and he is the only one out of 3 millions adult citizen to sacrifice time and effort to help fight for them. Did any one of the other 3 candidates help? They must be thinking, you have to answer for your own financial decision. (4) He pledged to donate half of his salary to charity. Did any of the 3 candidates pledge anything to this matter? They are just not ready to part with that huge sum of salary. To sum up, we should give Tan Kin Lian our support. We need a President who will be able to understand us - the ordinary citizen. He will prove to you, just like how he is able to prove his worthiness from his management of NTUC INCOME.

  2. Dear Mr Tan, I am currently not supporting any presidential candiate as yet but I wish to ask you about something you mentioned, that you will propose to raise NS allowance to $1500 , like regular serviceman and also to propose a monthly pension for the aged. While i think the suggestion is good, I am however concerned to know how sustainable the above suggestion is? Where do you propose to get the funds from to put this proposal into motion? As the aged population will definitely become bigger than the working class, if taking from taxpayers money, this will post a national deficit in the long run, as happening and proven in many countries that are working on a social security system. When there are proposals requiring an increase in costs, and to avoid strain on tax payers moneny, there must surely be some cost cutting in current practices? Will you cut ministers and presidential pay and use the savings from there to support the increased funds needed for your proposals?

  3. You can blog on insurance .
    Recently ntuc joined the other insurance companies by launching an early payout critical illness product called the vivocare.
    Like all insurance products it is very complicated for the consumers to understand . The salesmen have difficulty understanding and explaining it, how to expect the consumers to understand and make informed decision?.
    The product comes with a lot of 'what ifs'. Worse, the early payout is hardly claimable because very few consumers have the luck of striking TOTO to discover they have first stage cancer and therefore 'benefit' the early payout.
    Doctors say statistics only shows that few cases of early detection of cancer because not many can afford yearly thorough medical check ups to detect them and which cost a bomb. Therefore it is not feasible or cost effective to buy such products just to benefit early payouts. Worse, even early treatment does not guarantee cure. The doctors put the probability of early detection of first stage cancer as 0.0005%.It is almost zero.It is as good as useless benefit.
    The verdict is all these early payout critical illness whole life products is a scam to fleece the consumers using the army of con salesmen to con their existing policyholders of critical illness products.
    MAS must be alerted of churning and replacement.I bet the sale of vivolife will drop to zero and effectively replaced by vivocare which is 'new' and which gives the salesmen the opportunity to call their customers.Eventually vivocare will replace vivolife.
    The testimony by the female at the launch is suspected. She was paid and the script possibly vetted.
    MAS,please put them on your alert radar screen.

    The Insider.

  4. No matter what the result is, you will always be a hero to me in terms of having the heart to serve singaporeans! I will support you always :)

  5. Dear TKL, I am a 16 year old so I cannot vote. I would like to tell you though that I and many other Singaporeans are thankful to you for stepping forward to run for the election. Even though you may have lost your election deposit, you have done much to give our country a voice. Your campaign has not been in vain!

  6. Dear Mr Tan
    Whatever happens, please be very careful in your choice of words to the news media.

    Remember George Yeo and his remark about "being a free spirit"

    For what's it's worth, my dad who is a die-hard PAP supporter voted for you. He believes in you and your message.

  7. Mr Tan Kin Lian, I admire you for the good fight that you had put up. Also that you had put in the extra effort in communicating in the our 4 official languages. Indeed, you are a worthy candidate. I look forward to your greater involvement of serving our people in a different capacity.

  8. Dear Mr Tan,

    One honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I have been inspired by your values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service.

    It is natural to feel disappointed by the result. But I would like to think that, thanks to your valiant efforts, our country is moving in a better direction. You have been an important catalyst for change and I admire your courage to step forward and be counted.

    Please feel free to post this on your blog and/or facebook if you think it is appropriate.

    From a supporter

  9. Mr Tan, you have been strong to come out to contest being the president to serve Singaporean and the country. Though defeated but you shown us how to be patriotic. Your term with NTUC has already benefited us. Thank you. Though "defeated", You are still a great leader and spokesperson of Singaporean.

  10. Thank you Mr Tan for your contribution and letting all Singaporeans having a chance to vote for President. I will still be looking forward to your advice on insurance in your blog. Cheers.
