Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Endorsing Presidential Candidates


With the PAP came into power, it systematically decimated these groups by de-registering them and then later enacted new laws required that any registering associations, societies or clubs must have in their constitution a compulsory prohibition clause which states: “The Society shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.


  1. I think it is OK and pragmatic if associations, societies, clubs etc endorse a Presidential candidate if they think that candidate will sure get COE or best chance of winning if there is a contest.

    Remember despite PAP being widely perceived as unpopular before GE2011, it still managed to get 60% of the votes and 93% seats!

    So I think many people might also be applying the same reasoning to predict the Presidential election outcome, should there be a contest.

    And if it is a 3 or 4 corner contest, someone will even lose his deposit, like what PAP MP Charles Chong reportedly said.

    Indeed someone lost his deposit in a 3 corner fight during GE 2011!

  2. When the Clans or other Associations
    endorse PAP's own Presidential candidate, this is not considered engaging in political activities.
    On other hand, if they endorse either one of the others, it is definitely political.
    The same with Shanmugan, playing with words, one moment pointing out the President is a Puppet, the next telling us he's not exactly a Puppet, has some custodial and veto powers , and flip flops again at another time, saying even as a Puppet, the President must know how to act as one.
    Govt is very good at twisting words
    to suit their own Agenda, all the time playing with words to try to confuse us. We must be clear minded in our goals, else we would fall into their trap, and have shades pulled over our eyes again.

  3. rex comments on "anonymous" post.

    pal, what you "think" is not important. You could say "i think it's ok to park along double yellow line at 11 pm as i am not obstructing any traffic"

    THE LAW STATES that you are not supposed to do that.
    THE LAW STATES that clan associations and society CANNOT partake in political activities. Since the President Election is part of a political process established by Parliament and indulging the Electorate, it is obvious that the "Tan Clan Association" is in full breach of the Law. Someone can make a Police Report!!! Who? dunno. Most singpaorean kiasu bo chap.

    Anyway, as a way forward, someone suggested to change the law.

    Remove that prohibition clause. That's fine. So tomorrow, Seven-Eleven and Law Society can also endorese their favourite candidates, free for all!!

    But as long as the clause exists, clearly TAN CLAN ASSOCIATION IS BREAKING THE LAW DESIGNED BY LKY. what justice is there in Singapore?

