Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help the blind to be employed

Dear Mr Tan,
This is M, the visually handicapped staff who handled survey work for you when you were CEO at NTUC Income. I hope this email finds you well. I am writing this email to seek your advice on employment opportunities for my younger sister.

I would like to thank you once again for offering me a job at NTUC Income back at that time. The job has been extremely important to me, as it enables me to earn an income to support my family and also makes useful the knowledge and skills I acquired in school.

My younger sister, has partial visual disability and has difficulty reading fine prints. However, she is able to read and write as per normal with the help of a magnifier and able to use the computer with the help of a magnification software installed. She is able to move around on her own without help.

She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance and has has been actively looking for a job. She submitted numerous job applications in response to job openings but had been unsuccessful.  She also approached job placement agencies for handicapped people, such as Bizlink and the Society for the Physically Disabled, to seek assistance. So far, there is no success.

We would appreciate if you could be so kind as to give her advice or recommendations on any employment opportunities. 


BizLink is the best organisation to help your sister. Be patient and keep in contact with them.

Can you ask your sister to try this voice recognition software and see if it helps to improve her ability to handle computer work. I met a totally blind person who earned an income being a singer. She told me that she is able to handle e-mail. She used voice recognition to speak the words in the email and she used her voice to give a reply. The voice recognition software convert it back to text. 

Wish her all the best.

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