Friday, August 19, 2011

How is Tan Kin Lian different from the other candidates?

In the Presidential election, you have the choice of four candidates. If you have not yet decided, I want to share with you the differences.

One candidate is closely connected with the Government and had been in a minister for more than 20 years. Do you want this person to be the President or do you prefer someone who is more independent of the Government?

Another candidate has stood as a candidate for an opposition party. He now wants to act as a check and balance on the government. Do you want the office of the President to be quarreling with the Government most of the time?

Another candidate was a non-executive chairman of a company and is not fully involved in the management. Do you want a President who does not have much financial experience to carry out the role of safeguarding the reserves?

If you want a candidate who can truly claim to be neutral and independent, give your support to me. I have never taken part in a general election under any political party. I can act independently of all political parties and not be obligated to the political interest.
I can represent the views of various segments of the people; especially if you want your problems solved using a non-partisan approach.

I also believe strongly in public service. I am standing for election to serve the people of Singapore and not for the high salary paid to the President. If elected, I will donate at least half of the salary to charity and other useful purposes.


  1. Good morning Mr Tan, I have not made up my mind, maybe you can help me. Can you give me an idea or a clearer vision of where the mimimum 50% of your salary is going to? I am keen to learn more about what charities and other useful purposes you are planning for.

    Mr Tan, I do share the same reservations that you've listed about the other candidates. I do not want a disruptive cowboy or an old dog who cannot learn new tricks. I can feel that your heart is in the right place, can you help me with my question so that I can make a more informed decision. Thank you and all the best!

  2. What' wrong when a EP candidate was an opposition party candidate?? EP's role is to safe guard Sporeans' interests.

    TJS dared to allow scrutiny of his past records for all sporeans and the harshest critics from pap govt WHILE SPEAKING UP FOR ALL SINGAPOREANS-- esp during those hectic days of campaigning.

    Besides, nearly 40% of the electorates of holland-bt timah grc had faith in TJS and his team!!

    i am very uncomfortable with your very biased statement "Do you want the office of the President to be QUARRELLING with the Government most of the time?" simply bec TJS had been an ex-opposition party candidate??!!

    Do you therefore mean that EP should never be from opposition party as they will always be quarrelling with the govt??

    the way i see it-- in this EP election, the person best suited for the office of EP has to be TJS and not you!!

    i am sure if TJS were our President he'll serve with ALL HIS HEART AND SOUL and will stand firm to protect Spore's reserves from renegade govt just as you claim you would!

  3. Dear Mr Tan,

    Thank you for coming forth and applying yourself to the task.

    From your past accomplishment, initiatives as well as present pursuits, I am confident that you have the peoples' well being at heart.

    With your tenacity & benevolence, the citizens of Singapore will realize our dream of becoming a graceful society.

    A society in which the youths make sacrifices for the nation.

    A nation in which the elderly are respected for their past sacrifices.

    I vote for you.


  4. Dear Mr Tan
    Just a note of encouragement.

    My admiration for you has continued to grow over a period of many months of careful observation of your blogs and action.

    In my humble view, I think you have the best all round game plan for President's Office.

    I like and admire the creative way you are deploying your resources in the Presidential campaign. This tells me you will be able to creatively handle any obstacles that come your way if you should be elected President.

    I am younger than you are. But you display enthusiasm, creativity, courage and energy that would put many younger people (including myself) to shame.

    But at the same time, you have made yourself accessible. Meaning that you communicate a message that it is within the reach of every Singaporean to be like you.

    And this is something that has been missing from the Singaporean spirit for many years now.

    I believe your Presidency will inspire many Singaporeans. I hope you succeed.

  5. Hi Mr Tan as a long time reader of your blog i will support you based on your honesty and courage. But i want to highlight one thing that you seldom replied:

    By now you should know that the safety of the US treasuries are starting to be questioned after their downgrade by S@P.

    As the most important duty for the president is to guard our reserves, i hope that if you are elected you can examine the safety of our foreign exchange reserves. I have said many times previously about the importance of diversification of this foreign exchange reserves especially the US dollar denominated ones into gold and other currencies that have strong commodities backing.

    I hope that you can look into this carefully.

  6. Hi PE Tan Kin Lian,
    You have showed yourself to be a People's President candidate by sacrificing & donating at least half of your salary to charity, be a Voice OF THE PEOPLE & SERVE THE PEOPLE. Keep it up. Hope you will show transparency, honesty, courage, fairness, loyalty to the people & not garmen, be above politics. Let people know where your donation money go to which charity, set up a President Charity Fund guards by President Personal Council. To be close to the people, encourage & promote family togetherness & wellness, open the Istana ground to the people every Sunday & P.H.

  7. Mr. Tan Kin Lian is the truly people president.
    Mr. Tan Kin Lian is ready the person down to the ground.
    He is caring and decent person that we all respect him.
    We all will be blessed if Mr. Tan Kin Lian can become our president.

  8. Hi, must admit initially I was dubious about you but after reading, analysing and comparing with the other 3 I am positive you are the best option for us.

    Fact is most of the insurance agent sully your reputation and this led to friends/colleagues being biased agst you but after seeing the other candidate's plans... zzz. plus i know insu agents are liars having worked in the industry a few mths, thus the more they besmirch someone the less i believe, lol.

    keep up the good work, and you need to be more publicly visible. try to avoid using strong words such as "office of the President to be QUARRELLING with the Government" as this may offend some ppl, who take it very personally. Not everyone appreciates blunt, honest truth.

    You have my blessing and support.

  9. I appeal to readers in Mr. Tan’s blog to go to Yahoo News
    to show your support for Mr. Tan Kin Lian.

    Many supporters for TSJ managed to create an impression that TSJ is the most popular candidates among TKL, TCB and TJS.

    Some readers buy their ideal that to avoid splitting the votes, they should all give their votes to TJS.

  10. Hi Mr Tan
    My husband myself n daughter r NTUC policy members for more than 15 yrs. Every year we received birthday greeting cards fm NTUC Income with your signature n name on it. We felt the warmth n personal touch of NTUC. But eversince u left NTUC, there were no such cards. It's like we were totally forgotten n abandoned. What we had been receiving for the past four years were Premiums Payment Reminder/Renewal notices. Sigh... It's not tt we r hard up for bday cards but it's the special touch we felt! My family n I sincerely hope u will be our nx president bcoz we know tt under yr presidency, we will become a caring nation. Thank you Mr Tan.

  11. i didn't receive any birthday cards from ntuc for ages =(
