Monday, August 15, 2011

Message for supporters

To my blog readers and supporters
Please copy the message below into an e-mail and send it to all your friends and contacts. Help me to spread the message to as many people as possible. I need your help.


Dear friend,


I will be standing for election as President to 

  • be a voice of the people
  • be independent of the PAP Government and
  • safeguard your CPF money and Singapore’s Reserves
Guiding me are my personal values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service and by your views, which I will actively seek.

I wish to run for President as a public duty. I don’t wish to receive a large salary and will donate at least half of the salary to charity and other worthy causes.

I hope that you will give me your support and together we can build a better future for all Singaporeans.

Yours sincerely,

Tan Kin Lian

Please send this e-mail to all your friends and tell them to forward to their friends. 

My vision for the future:
National Day message in 4 languages (
Campaign website:

1 comment:

  1. Do you know what is the established procedure in the event the elected president is unable to discharge his duties?

    Especially if the Cabinet is seeking to use the reserves?

    Is it to wait for CPA, Cabinet or Parliament to declare president incapacitated and call for by-election?
    Or Cabinet can use the reserves since there is no objection filed from the president?
