Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Message from a supporter

Hi Mr Tan,
It was a pleasure talking with you last night. You left the event right after, there were quite a few folks who were keen to speak to you. they really envy us having the golden opportunity. You may be pleased to know that you've a strong followers/believers.

My feedback for your messaging is that what do you want the voters to walk away and remember with all the time. For GE, one of the success factors for worker party is that they had a very strong slogan/message "towards the first class parliament". It not only shown the voters that they are professional but also prove to us that they have spent time planning for the GE. I did not see the same for other opposition parties including PAP. PAP used to use "upgrading" as the campaign draw but nothing this GE.

Also, "voice of people" is a good message. However, as we discussed last night, without realizing it, the portion of PR is overwhelming now, based on all the incidents and experience we had gone through, hence I'm not sure if we want to be more specific, for example "standup for the rights of citizens". Even when you talked about CPF, even through PR contributed to it but they can withdraw them whenever they leave the country yet we as Singaporean can't. 

There are just so many experience we have gone through that it is necessary for someone like you to consolidate the thoughts and float it up to the government. singaporean are in general passive, busy with all material needs, ambitious in their career goals that we never stop and think what is good for us and our children and the nation.

It was a real pleasure talking to you, you're a down to earth, sincere and action oriented person. this is what we need. change is good as the country evolves, we are not saying that we need to fix what is not broken but we need to identify problems has changed and previous process/system may need to be re-assess as the country transform.

Good luck again and continue to drive. it is not an easy journey and thanks for stepping up to the challenge.


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