Saturday, August 20, 2011

Moderate and independent

Mr Tan,

I read Yahoo about the forum held by TheOnlineCitizen. The sensitive topic of ISA was discussed and good that you kept your cool. I think you are picking up more supports by the day. Voters will be able to tell that you are moderate and more independent than the rest. TJS may garner strong supports online for the time being, but in the long run (the days ahead) things may turn to your favour. Keep your cool and focus in your programmes. So far, the rest are not composed in their agenda and so far nothing concrete from them. So, you are doing well and it takes time for voters to realise when comparisons are made each time a debate is held.

If you have the chance, do discuss about the pension of politicians. Retired politicians are enjoying their pensions. Does the "pension" scheme apply to those retired politician if they retired from Politics but took on other jobs (still active in employment)? The scheme is there for those who retired, then that sound logical. But, if the scheme is also enjoyed by those retired from politics but are working yet holding key positions, then is that logically fair? These are all tax payers money!

I am sure if you are elected as President, this is something you should look into. But for now, is there any of the Presidential Candidates who are enjoying such pensions while they are still actively employed? Well, bring it up in you debate and campaign and/or even rally. At least, you are not enjoying such pension. Cheers.



  1. The issue of pension for politicians is a sensitive and emotional matter that is currently being reviewed by a separate committee. It may be better to NOT bring it up during the presidential campaign, unless the recommendations of the committee are made known publicly during this campaign period.

    We need to distinguish between pension and salary. A pensioner has every right to work or start a business during his "retirement". This may be on a part-time or temporary basis, during which he would receive some remuneration. I believe we should not fault this, especially for those with low pensions. Do we expect pensioners to stay at home and draw down on their pension for the remainder of their lives? Or are we suggesting that if the pension is high, then there is no justification for the pensioner to seek additional income?

    For the record, neither I nor my living family members are entitled to pension.

  2. Mr. Tan Kin Lian is the very humble and caring person.
    He is very rational person and I know he has the very caring heart to all Singaporeans.
    To donate half or more than half of president's salary is ready commendable.
    This type of caring sprit ia what we society needs more urgently now.
    You will have more vote daily.
