Monday, August 15, 2011

PAP of the old days

Mr Tan,
I am 64 yrs old and like you supported PAP policies in the 70s, 80s. Just because of your previous PAP membership, those who do not know your background well enough just simply lump you as also one of the ex-pap people and even one of the candidate like to harp on this fact to show that he has never been associated with the PAP.

So in your campaign, you need to somehow HIGHLIGHT that most S'poreans were supporters of PAP in the early decades because they were looking after Singaporeans. But like most of them we have become disillusioned with their (PAP) policies and MOVED away from them.

There are even a lot of ill informed public who simply link the name NTUC as asssociated to the PAP camp and that include NTUC Income where you helmed.

This is just my feedback to you. I benefitted from my various policies when you were Income CEO and when you left, I stopped all of them except my Annuity Plan.



  1. Many people are not aware that TKL is not an active PAP member for more than 25 years (since 1985) because he was unhappy with the direction of the party policy on the graduate mother scheme, the unfair burden of national service on male citizens and on the HDB policy.

    He continued as an inactive cadre member of the PAP until his retirement from NTUC Income in 2007. He resigned from the party shortly afterwards.

    He did not want to quit earlier as it was necessary for him to preserve good relations with the ministers and the NTUC leaders, for the sake of NTUC Income.

    Over the years, he has written many letters to the media on issues affecting the people of Singapore, such as national service, public transport and housing.

    I believe that we can count on him to be independent of PAP government.

    I will vote for TKL.

  2. You have done the right thing to cancel all your Income polices when Mr. TanKL left before your policies suffer more cuts and non transparency.
    It has gone to the dogs and more and more policyholders are waking up this fact.
    Very clear example of commission or API before people is the vivolink(ILPs) whcich replaced ID2.
    Vivolink is being promoted as saving plan better than ID2.Is it true? How can a product with about 120% of premium charges is better than a 45% charges product(ID2)?
    Why replaced ID2? Of course, it is for higher commission and higher APIs for both agents and company. What about the policyholders? Die is their business , so long the agents qualify for incentive trips and other incentives and the company can become #1 that matters. Not consumers....they must pay for the service as group sales manager said.What services? what advice? It is crap.Is it conjob? What do the agents disguised as financial consultants know about investment and advice?
    It is already flattering to call them salesmen. What crap financial consultants?
    So you see from this example you are right to cancel all your policies because going forward you don't expect anything good to come. Pity that many are dilemma , don't know whether to cancel or not.Worse, many are falling into traps each day.

  3. Tan Kin Lian for PresidentAugust 15, 2011 11:43 PM

    I also vote for Mr Tan Kin Lian.

    When minibond problems in 2008, who was there speak for us? Tony Tan? Tan Jee Say? Tan Cheng Bock? Where were they?

    Only Mr Tan Kin Lian stood up for us who were missold financial products that even the banks and salesmen did not understand!

  4. Agree with writer of this article.
    Being grown up with the turbulent history of Singapore's Independence, we worked hand in hand with LKY and the PAP to bring our country to this status, the envy of many other countries. We went through 3 National Songs, starting with God saves the Queen, Negara Malaysia, and now Majulah Singapura. We placed great faith and hopes on the PAP Govt, but beginning with the nineties, doubts began to creep in, but still steadfastly stuck with the Party. When LHL took over, we were alarmed at the direction our country's leaders were taking, and finally became disullusioned, and slowly began to understand what the young Singaporeans were trying to let us see the hidden truths, or rather lies we were made to believe in.
    Now we feel so embarrassed that it took us such a long time to wake up to reality, it's like Rip Van Winkle waking up after a long slumber. There is no integrity and honesty anymore from the Govt, we are just treated like mere digits to be pushed to contribute to GDP at all costs, and when we are too old to contribute, to be discarded and better still be banished in old folks' homes in a neighbouring country, Johore, Malaysia. To them, just bring in new immigrants to replace old folks like us, and the game continues.
    This is the kind of Govt we have supported all these decades since Singapore's Independence. LKY is really brilliant, we are really daft to be hoodwinked by him, now his son is taking over to continue
    what he has started, but could not continue as he knows his mortality clock is ticking fast.
    Our kids always say, Singapore is just a place to make money only and then leave, we came in as immigrants, and we leave the same, as immigrants to other countries.
    Discard the word loyalty in our mind. Have skills will travel. Guess have to learn to let go one day. Now finally understand why people quit this country.

  5. i am very disappointed to see blogs posted on so many negative feedback and blogs in insurance and especially from someone who has been in this line for so long .

    My first question:- if mr tan were aware of so many shortcoming in insurance policy what has been done by ntuc income during his tenture to highlight to safeguard the interest of the public

  6. Reply to 2:13 AM
    I offered to the people of Singapore a better alternative - buy your insurance from NTUC Income and get a better return and fair treatment of policyholders - under the principles of cooperative societies.

  7. BG, there is something I don't understand. Why you stop your existing policies when Mr Tan leave NTUC. You should just stop buying new policies under the new management

  8. Anon. August 16, 2011 8:50 AM
    After the bonus cut and the so called social enterprise and industry best practice things became different. During Mr. Tan KL's time there was no need to shout that ntuc was a cooperative or the returns of the products were good. They were good and everybody knew it, no need to advertise, right?
    Now they keep telling the whole world that it is a social enterprise. Why keep saying it is a social enterprise if it is a cooperative? Therefore , it is NOT a cooperative anymore, that is why.
    Another thing they keep saying they are "people before profit". Why need to say? Did Mr. TanKL say and kept saying that? Everybody knew it and no need to say.
    There were also advertisement on returns, from best kept secret to so called transparency etc etc.They were Mr. TanKL's achievement and NOT the current NTUC's . It is like using Mr Tan KL's backside skin for his face, right?
    If you are good , no need to say you are good people know. If you NO good you try to say you are good by all sorts of means, wasting alot of money on advertisements and which should go to policyholders' fund.
    The best proof is to see the Benefit Illustration of the products to convince yourself and compare it to your old ones.
    Today, it is misleading the public that their salesmen are "Financial Consultants" when they are NOT.What do they know about finance, investment or even insurance? They just peddle products like koyok and always peddle only the high commission ones, right? Why? the salesmen are pushed by management , the SM , the GSM and the VPs to push only high API products.Why? to become #1, lor, stupid. So? Is customers' interest important? big crap.. commission and APIs most important, liao.

  9. I think Mr Tan has been a visionary where NTUC Income mattered. I believe that his concern for Singaporeans is genuine, given the times he has tried to engaged the government for the people. Mr Tan, you have my support. Don't forget, you are also supported by many other Singaporeans!

  10. I think Mr Tan has been a visionary where NTUC Income mattered. I believe that his concern for Singaporeans is genuine, given the times he has tried to engaged the government for the people. Mr Tan, you have my support. Don't forget, you are also supported by many other Singaporeans!

  11. Anonymous August 16, 2011 11:10 AM,
    I agree that ntuc is confusing the public by saying that it is a social enterprise now. Does it mean it is no longer a cooperative? Or it is cooperatives in name only? Or Is it a transitional name to commercialise?
    Or is it to justify higher premium for their products now? It is kind of tricky nowadays.
