Monday, August 22, 2011

People's President

Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,

I stay in Serangoon as part of Aljunied GRC and three months ago we were involved in the General Elections in which the workers' party won.

I am keenly following this presidential elections and i would like to give my brief take on the proceedings. I hope my perspective and general people's perspectives as onlookers from the outside would help in your campaign. These are some of the views of the four candidates as seen by the general public:

Tony Tan - is seen as part of the PAP establishment and would attract PAP and pro-establishment votes

Tan Cheng Bock- is seen as slighlty disconnected from the PAP but would still attract some pro-establishment votes and votes from people who want the middle ground

Tan Jee Say- is seen as an opposition in line with the statements he has made (checks and balances on govt) and would attract quite a bit of the opposition supporter's votes as well as the votes of the young who want change.

Tan Kin Lian-is seen as independent, a humble, public-spirited individual who wants the peoples' views and feelings to be heard by the government.

Mr Tan, generally non Tony tan supporters are quite confused in who to pick among Dr Tan Cheng Bock, Tan Jee Say and Tan Kin Lian. In reading about your family background and upbring in the newspapers, i hope that you will position and champion yourself as the PEOPLES' PRESIDENT in this election so that you can differentiate yourself from the other 2.

You are the PEOPLES' PRESIDENT as you strongly believe in public service (eg: donating your salary to worthy causes), caring about the views and feelings of the people and your personal values (Hi-5).

As a well-wisher you have my support!



  1. Go to for Straits Times organised Presidential Roundtable (Tan Cheng Bock rebutted Tony Tan better.)
    Tan Jee Say occasional made more courageous statement.
    Tan Kin Lian is taking the correct approach.
    Can I have a combined candidate?

  2. I appeal to readers in Mr. Tan’s blog to go to Yahoo News
    to show your support for Mr. Tan Kin Lian.

    Many supporters for TSJ managed to create an impression that TSJ is the most popular candidates among TKL, TCB and TJS.

    Some readers buy their ideal that to avoid splitting the votes, they should all give their votes to TJS.
