Monday, August 15, 2011

Political neutrality is important

Good day Mr Tan,

I am a retiree and I have been following the Presidential Election closely.I am Chinese educated, so my English is very bad, please bear with me. 

I follow your internet website news updates daily and I can feel your earnest sincerity to represent us,the common Singaporeans.

There is a debate going on about the candidates’ political affiliations.Political neutrality is very important. We have candidates from PAP and SDP but you are truly neutral and untainted with the dirtiness of political agenda,and you have served NTUC Income with dedication for 30 years!So many Singaporeans benefited.We Chinese value loyalty and dedication.I do not understand why people on the internet did not give you the credits you fully deserve.As the Chinese saying goes 没有功劳,也有苦劳!

I remember how you fought bravely for us commoners during the minibonds saga.Nobody, but Mr Tan Kin Lian voiced out and fought for us! Despite the tides are against the minibond investors,you fought for the minibond investors and campaigned against the PAP’s bank!You have nothing to gain, but much to lose. We Singaporeans know you work behind the scenes to fight for us!You are also the 1st who openly promised to donate part of your pay to charity.

We Singaporeans need a People’s President, someone who knows the ground, speak the language; know the difficulties which we face, filled with compassion,and someone who dares to voice up for the people! You have exhibited that!You are the choice!I am proud that you are contesting for Presidency.You have my vote and my wife’s vote.

Carry on the fight!You are our voice.Singaporeans need you!We want to see you at the next National Day! I have knee problems and travelling is difficult for me,but I can contribute financially to your campaign. Please let me know how to.



  1. I am also chinese educated and will support you all the way as long as you stand for PE 2011.

  2. Yes, it is precisely that Mr Tan KL is from none of the political parties that stands out as neutral, unbiased and democratic.
