Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Response to PM Lee's views on the Presidential election

 I would also like to take this opportunity  to thank  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for his insightful statement that the Government will work with whoever's elected. I am also encouraged by his remarks that the new head of state will be above politics and enjoy the respect of citizens. 

I will bring my personal values of honesty, fairness, courage, positive thinking and public service to the office of the President. I have always been on record that I am neither pro-PAP nor pro-Opposition. I am pro-People of Singapore. 

I will be the Voice of the People but I am non-partisan and I am above politics. Unlike the other candidates, I have never participated in a general election under a banner of a political party!

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Dear Mr Tan, I sincerely ask you (on behalf of many friends) to not run for the presidential elections so as not to split the independent votes. You have been a great voice for the people. But with TJS and you running for the elections, it will only result in lose-lose situation for non-PAP votes. I understand that it is a humbling and difficult decision, but may I ask that you stand down and support TJS in the election. You'll be a bigger man by doing so and doing the people of singapore a greater favour. It will be for the greater good. Please reconsider Sir.

  2. Dear Mr Tan
    The fact that you are certified speaks very well of you and other candidates. That, of course, were past records.
    As a citizen we chose our MPs to represent us. I am certain that you will make a good MP. what you have written tells me that your heart tells you to be a good MP. Why did you not try that at the last election? perhaps too much work? or too low compensation? Or too stiff competition? Why do you want to change the role of the president to do an MPs job?

  3. Have watched the Nomination Day Event.
    What an expensive wayang show on an expensive stage to elect a just as expensive ceremonial post, with no real powers to check and balance the Govt.
    From what we could see, it's an expensive gimmick to give a feeling of legitimacy to the PAP Govt.
    Nevertheless, since the post holds no value, may as well vote for one that at least would benefit the poor in a small way, no matter how small, in the form of TKL's pledge to donate at least half of the pay to charity.
    On the other hand, some citizens would agree that the President should be more proactive to check and balance our arrogant Govt, unlike the compliant, diam diam President Nathan. Perhaps we need a radical, articulate person like TJS to take on our PAP Govt, who has it too easy in Governance all these decades, bull dozing regulations and bills easily through Parliament, like a Bully , with no regard to our objections, an example like the Casino Bill.
    Yes, it's a tough choice between TKL and TJS.
    Now we know and understand TJS's character better. He's too radical a civil servant to be of comfort to the PAP Govt, leading him having to resign from Govt Service.
    Think he was asked to resign, like TKL asked to resign from NTUC Income, as their values,views and aspirations are contrary to that of the Govt.
    Either one wins would benefit us. If TCB or Tony Tan wins, it does not matter to us, after all we dun place much hope and importance on this gimmicky post, election or walkover, it's the same.

  4. To Yujuan:

    I suggest that we cast our votes based on what have TKL and TJS done in the past years.

    Who has voiced his concerns on issues affecting ordinary people in the past years?

    Who is more concern about the well-being of the ordinary people?

    Who is more suitable to be "Voice of the People" President?

  5. citizen
    We must vote for the candiate that cares about the well-being of the citizens at large not those affiliated to PAP.In this instance, we have two choices,either TJS or TKL.What Tony Tan can do?If he really cares for Singapore, he should have become Prime Minister when Lee Kuan Yew Gave him the First choice seat.Why waited till today?You think he can do better as a president than lee hsien loong as a prime minister?Think wisely.Show the world that we are not stupid.
