Sunday, August 07, 2011

Social problems in Singapore

Dear Mr Tan,

Currently, there are so many social problems in Singapore:

1. Many baby-boomers and Gen-X people are finding it challenging to find work in Singapore. The Government has not done much to help this group of people. Employers (Government sector and private) tend to prefer younger graduates and foreign talents. For a while, the Government had been encouraging people to start a business, but had met with little success. My friend (50 years old) has been offered a road sweeper job by CDC, when he has a wealth of experience in the corporate world. And there are many more examples out there.

2. The educational sector is in a mess. Kids these days are so rebellious, and parents are busy earning money, so nobody teaches them manners, moral and ethics. So they turned bad and commit crimes.

3. Many people are divorcing, and kids are stranded too.

4. Many people are not getting married, because many guys are struggling with their career (see point 1) and the ladies are too highly educated.

5. The income gaps of people are getting greater too. Soon many middle-income people will become low-income. Assuming a middle-income person earn $3k per month, but seriously, what can $3k buy these days? When money is always not enough, that middle-income household will become a low-income one.

Therefore, you can see many people are falling through these cracks in the society. I think while it is good to have a Voice, but it is better to see some welfare (in terms of real help and support) within our country. This is something that the Government is extremely weak in doing so. By welfare, I don’t mean giving out money, but by really helping people to find jobs, or maybe more counselling centres, etc.

I feel sad for Singaporeans. May I know what is your take on this?


I agree with your observations. We have to address these social problems. I hope to be able to do so, as President, to be the voice of the people and to improve the welfare of the people.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shaun,
    Like you, I too see the social problems that our country is facing today.

    So I'm continually asking myself:

    a) For this Presidential Elections;
    Who is in the best position to represent me and my concerns for these social problems?

    b) For the next General Elections, which political party is in the best position to represent me and my concerns for these social problems?

    That is the very least that I can do for my Singapore, my neighbours, my friends, and my family.
