Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Understand the issues

Dear Mr. Tan,

Well done on the recent Presidential Election.

I'm not a Singaporean and have no rights to vote, but I have been keeping myself updated on the events. I may be wrong, but all along, I think you will be somehow crippled in your ability to help ordinary Singaporeans if you become a statesman. So, although I'm not happy with the outcome, but I do think that it's not a bad outcome.

I admire your spirit and courage to step forward for the election, it must have been a hard and long 10 days for you and your family, but I believe it's a fruitful journey.

Having been in a position to see the differences between the policies in NZ and Spore, I see some of your points, eg. a minimum wage. Unfortunately, I think some issues are not appreciated by a certain portion of the population, for example the NS one, I suspect a significant number of the female population was put off as the perception is that it's going to "disadvantage" them. The misquoting by the media is not helping either.

Finally, a Hi5! to you, Sir.

Take care.

Hang Lian

1 comment:

  1. Dr Tony Tan flying the PAP supported/Establishment banner wins 35% of votes, and Dr Tan Cheng Bock, Mr Tan Jee Say and Mr Tan Kin Lian collectively the non-PAP supported/non-Establishment flags win 65% of votes. The Singapore electorate is maturing and is more than capable of making up its own mind.
    Go to http://newasiarepublic.com/?p=31875 for Is Tan Jee Say running for the wrong office? Part 3 at time 8:10 to 8:40. Dr Tan Cheng Bock rebutted better, however I consider him the working within the trap with no intention to find a way out type. Working within the trap with no intention to find a way out type wins 70%. Working within the trap, with intention to find a way out type wins only 30%. This is a very disappointing result, but whether unintentionally or not this impression has been made.
