Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Statement by Tan Kin Lian - issue of Writ of Election

The Prime Minister has issued the Writ for the Presidential Election. Nomination day is 17 August and the election will be held on 27 August.

I look forward to receive the result of my application for the Certificate of Eligibility to contest the Presidential Election. I am confident I meet the stipulated criteria.

Upon receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility, I shall finalize my nomination papers to contest the Presidential Election. My supporters are ready to go out actively to participate in the campaign.

The Singapore electorate is entitled to a dignified campaign in which all candidates will have ample and fair opportunities to present the positive attributes of the platforms to the people of Singapore. I urge companies and civic organizations not to spend money of their shareholders, members or donors in wasteful political advertising for their preferred candidate. If they have spare money, I suggest they find some charitable organizations to donate to.

My campaign slogan is to be the "Voice of The People". 

If elected, I will act independently of the Government in carrying out the duties of the President in accordance with the constitution and in the best interest of the people. I will also bring to the attention of the Government the key issues affecting the people and to work constructively with the Government to find solutions that are best for the people.

I will use my President's Personal Council and other objective and enlightened engagement channels to help me identify other issues in due course. I will include relevant inputs from government officials and raise them in a constructive manner with the senior
administrative officials and government ministers.

I am clear that the Elected President does NOT have the authority to directly effect the necessary changes and improvements. That does not matter as I intend to work in full co-operation with the government to find common ground on issues that the people feel strongly about. I believe that a good Government will be able to recognize a genuine call from the people and that the moral authority of the President will be sufficient weight for fair

Obviously, I will have to exercise discretion in raising the issues which are of greatest concern and urgency as well as those which are of real impact on Singapore. The rest will be left to the normal engagement mechanisms eg through the grass-roots organizations and Members of

Most importantly,  I will need to be genuinely independent of the elected Government of the day and will not hesitate to raise "adverse" issues. However, where there is need for confidentiality or discretion, I will know how to exercise this. I believe strongly that much can be achieved with a spirit of cooperation but it has to be both ways.

I know that almost every aspiring candidate is claiming to be Independent of the government. The people of Singapore is now much better educated and discerning. They can see who is truly independent and who simply cannot be!

We are going through a period of change where the views of the people are being genuinely sought and efforts put for the greater good. I give Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong full credit for articulating and starting this process. It is hoped that his entire government will progress in tandem with him and with the new Elected President.

As we enter into election campaign, I will ask the people of Singapore to judge me by my deeds and values and put your faith in me when they vote for the President.

Tan Kin Lian

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