Friday, August 12, 2011

Statement - Participating in a 4 corner contest

My supporters and I had expected a contest of 2 or 3 candidates for the Presidential election. The issuance of the certificate of eligibility for 4 candidates has changed the landscape for the contest.

Some friends suggested that I consider stepping down to avoid splitting the votes of Singaporeans who prefer to elect a person who is truly independent of the PAP Government. They suggested that I would gain “political capital” for making this sacrifice.

Having thought over this matter, I am making full preparation for a 4 corner contest. My decision is consistent with the personal values that have brought me to this contest. These are the values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service.

I first articulated these values several years ago. I published these values in my blog and also teach the values to my students in a local university.

Earlier, I entered the Presidential contest to give a chance for the people to vote for a President and avoid a walkover. I also wanted them to vote for the values that will guide our country in the future.

My first goal of giving a chance for Singaporeans to vote has now been achieved, as there will still be a vigorous contest, if I decide to withdraw. But the second goal has still not been achieved.

As a public service, I had pledged to donate at least half of the salary to charity and other worthy causes. None of the other candidates have made any pledge on this kind.
As the voice of the people, I will convey the concerns and aspirations of the people to the government and work constructively with the government to find solutions that are best for the people.

Reflecting the value of fairness, I want to see Singaporeans enjoy a better quality of life, a lower cost of living and a narrower wage gap. I want to influence government policies to achieve this goal.

The Law Minister has said that these activities of the President are unconstitutional. I disagree. I have said - The constitution does not require the President to be dumb. By speaking out, the President will also be doing what is right for the people and the country.

It takes courage to argue against the Law Minister and other key ministers, and even to face the prospect of being removed from office. I am willing to speak up on what I believe to be right.

Being positive, I believe that my participation in the election is useful, as it gives the chance for people to think about this election from a different perspective – and to vote for person based on the values that he can bring to the country.

I also value honesty and wish to express my intentions clearly to the people of Singapore.

My friends have suggested that I shift my position either to the right to win the votes from the PAP camp or to the left to win the votes from the opposition camp. I prefer to avoid politics altogether and to approach this contest from a truly non-partisan angle.

I appeal to all Singaporeans, regardless of the political party that you support, to consider - Do you want to elect a President based on politics or on values that will guide our society and our country in the future?

I have served the people of Singapore in many capacities during my past 35 years. I was active in the grassroots movement and in working with trade unions, cooperative societies and in many government committees.

Many grassroots leaders, trade union leaders, cooperative leaders, civil servants and ordinary Singaporeans know me. They know the kind of person that I am and know that I have always been more concerned about the welfare of other people, rather than my personal gain.

I hope that the people who know me will give me your support – if you think that our country and our future can be better guided by a President with character and clear values and a heart for the people.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. So far i keep myself update on your progress and activities only through this blog.

    I know how to use computer.

    I wonder if you can reach out to more people through other means, especially those who do not know how to use computer.

  2. Mr Tan,

    Don't worry. You will not lose your deposit.

    Remember Tan Jee Say had recently contested for MP seat but did not win or even close to winning.

    So can he win the Presidency? Of course the Internet hype put him as forerunner but you know such data cannot be relied on to predict actual outcome in Singapore context.

    So go ahead for 4 corner fight, as you have decided. You have my one vote.

  3. Dear Mr Tan
    I'm glad you are staying firm to your values based approach.

    It's exactly what Singapore needs. A re-discovery of the values that shaped our nation in the past.

    Relative by relative, friend by friend, I will gather as many votes as I can to support you.

  4. Two targets are better than one target because it is more difficult to shoot down both targets. ??? ??? ???

  5. Dear Mr Tan,

    I believe voters will find that you and Mr Tan JS have many things in common.

    United we stand, divided we fall.

    In times of battle, unity is crucial.

  6. Hi Mr Tan,

    I have been following your blog since the day you state you may be entering the PE. I pray that the PE will not be another "no vote" ending.

    The results of GE in May and some of the issues that surface after it;

    1) Floating bodies (security)
    2) Hikes in Public transport
    3) More HDB but prices remain steep
    4) Flooding & Mosquitoes
    5) Rising prices in grocery
    6) Crazy Pri school registration
    7) Foreigners competing for jobs
    8) As high as before medical fees
    etc, etc

    is sending us Singaporeans that something is wrong with our govt. Elitism and Cryonism-we need to stop them.

    I am happy that you have decided and persuaded your wife to enter the PE. You give us a choice.

    Like many Singaporeans, I vote for one with no PAP affliation. After the Eligibility was announced, I have been checking a lot about you and Tan Jee Say because I want to make sure I am voting for the right one- The voice for Singaporeans.

    Honestly, I am like many netizen who are split between you and Jee Say now. It is not healthy.

    Temasek Review declare their endorsement with Jee Say. I was hoping Online Citizen/ Workers Party or NSP and even other affliation to be with you. However, I found none.

    Mr Tan, in all respect, I love you and I know you love us, Singaporeans and you are willing to serve anytime.

    At this current situation, I urge you and Jee Say to have a talk on which of you will go in. Many of us do not want to split the votes and we end up losing having a voice for Singaporeans.

    I will be writing in to Jee Say as well that both of you should seriously consider one person standing for this election.

    At the end of the day, no matter who give up, he is the man.

    Split Singaporean

  7. The way I see it: TT did not want the job in the first place. He took it up out of obligation to PAP. TCB is a result of a split in PAP. TJS is clearly in to drive his GE agenda. TKL is the only one truely motivated by the spirit to serve the country and took the courage to contest in the Presidential Election.

  8. Dear Mr Tan,
    I like your frankness and the way you stood up for the ordinary folk in Singapore. I am disturbed when I read that you have considered stepping aside for the other 3. Please do not take this drastic step as I find that you should have trust in the people of Singapore to vote for someone who dares to speak up for his beliefs.
    So, Mr Tan, you have my support...
    please do submit your NOMINATION papers come 17 August 2011 and stand up for your beliefs...

  9. Dear Mr Tan,

    I am quite impress with the consistency of values that you try to bring across with your message in this campaign.

    Personally, you would be my top choice. Your experiences in finance would make you a clear cut candidate for providing check and balances on the government for our reserves.

    However, I am equally worried that votes would be split between you and Tan Jee Say who is more popular on the internet.

    Either one of you have to step aside in order not to split the votes. And the one giving up has to support the other candidate so that votes will not be spilled.

    There is a need to look at the bigger picture and personal sacrifices would have to be made. I hope the two of you would sit down and discuss and to endorse one another.

  10. Mr Tan, do proceed and contest as I am confident that you have a very good chance. What Singaporeans need now is a voice for the people. Let the citizens know should you be elected, you will keep a open door for them to be in touch with you. You have mre support

  11. I have great respect for you and TJS, stepping forward for Singaporeans with the right intentions.

    I believe both of you will make good presidents.

    But like it or not, you and TJS are attracting similar type of voters.

    It will be a sad day that Tony Tan wins due to the splitting of votes.

    Does the ends justify the means?

    Will you and TJS unintentionally be helping Tony Tan?

    These are serious hypothetical scenarios that needs to be pondered upon.

  12. I have great respect for you and TJS for stepping out for Singapore with good intentions.

    But like it or not, you and TJS are attracting the same type of votes.

    This could result in TT to win due to vote splitting.

    Does the end justify the means?

    Would you and TJS unintentionally be helping TT?

    This is a very likely senario that must be looked into seriously.

  13. Dear mr tan kin lian,

    Do not withdraw under the pressure of external influences

    I believe in the ranking should the voting be ranked based on how i felt and how savvy our recent generations have been. Tan jee say > Tan kin Lian > Tan cheng Bock > Tony Tan

    I will vote for you and after reading this post, I began to feel more assured that you don't belong either a right wing nor the left wing.

    Keep it up with your values
    Do not bother what other said to you.

    My belief : A dropout A pullout shine bad light upon itself.

  14. Don't ever give up !

    You have already come so far.

    No doubt the votes will be split among 4 candidates and the winning margin will be small, you should have it in you that you will be a better President than the other 3.

    I will be voting for you.
    People will vie you as a QUITTER if you quit at this stage.


  15. I seriously question those friends of yours.

    Don't even consider giving up or even waiver.

    Because you waiver just a little bit and the news reporters jump on it and say you may quit the race.

    Don't quit or you will be known as a QUITTER from hence forth.

    I will be voting for you.
    YEAH ! ! !

  16. I have been following your blog since 2008.

    I find that you really care for the welfare and well-being of ordinary people. You have expressed your concerns and have made suggestions on the following issues :

    1)the affordability of HDB flats

    2)the need of unemployment insurance for the workers

    3)the widening income gap between the elites and ordinary workers

    4)the transportation woes of ordinary people

    5)the high public medical fee

    6)the need of minimum wage

    7)the selling of complex credit-link notes(most of them are high risk with only moderate return) to ordinary people

    8)the selling of high cost and low yield insurance products to ordinary people

    I will vote for you.

  17. Dear Mr Tan
    You have my support and I will definitely garner more for you. Right now everyone trying to dig out the candidates past...I hope singaporeans will based on the person's credentials like eg what you have done to help the minibonds victims, whilst the regulators sit back and enjoy their fat pay doing nothing. Without your help, singapore suicides rates etc will definitely increase. This is one of the those areas the EP should highlight to the PM to get the regulator to work rather than sleep and protect the issurers.
    Mr Tan, I hope that should you be elected, you will continue to keep your avenues open for the people to be in touch with you.
    Majullah Singapore Mr Tan

  18. Look at Mr Tan Kin Lian's statement in perspective. He is the only candidate who is prepared to "sacrifice" himself for the sake of the nation.

    The other 3 are not even willing to consider an option that will result in a better S'pore. If you ask me, I think TT, TCB and TJS appear to be in this race for their interests rather than for S'pore's interests. Only Tan Kin Lian is putting country before self.

  19. We fully agreed with Split Singaporean's view.. We support and respect both you and Jee Say and are in a dilemma who to vote for. We believe many Singaporean who want a real People's President feel the same way. So for the sake of Singaporean, either you or Jee Say must quit this race. Whoever make the move will earn our utmost respect and already a winner in our heart. Please do not go into a 4-corner fight, because you or Jee Say will not win in such fight and we Singaporean will lose a good chance to have our very own elected President to speak for us. If both of you decided to go for it, we will not vote for either and will spolit our votes.

  20. To Split Singaporean and Anon. 3:01PM

    Please don’t spoil your votes.

    To decide who to vote, I suggest we look at what have TKL and TJS done in the past years.

    Did they voice their concerns for issues affecting the ordinary people?

    Who are more concern about the well-being of the ordinary people?

  21. Dear Mr. Tan,

    You are assured with at least 20 votes from my grapevines.

    All the best and I hope you will be our Singapore President.

