Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time for remembering

Dear Kin Lian,
You probably (hopefully) can recall me as the person you helped in 2003.

My family and I are very grateful for the interim help you gave when circumstances were less favorable back then. Now that my boys are young adults and are working as professionals, I have told them about you.

Though many would have accused you of being dictatorial, I differ in my opinion. I told my friends where in the world can you find a CEO willing to personally read his emails and respond within 1 hour? Your action tells me you are different from the others.

Now is the time for remembering: Naturally we will give you our votes. I wish you best of success in this Presidential Elections.


1 comment:

  1. unlike the new professional, best practice ceo who sits in the best most expensive chair and never bothered to reply or answer call.
    Is this the people before profit ceo?
    This almighty one got his job over the dead body of someone and has a biforked tongue.If he says people before profit what he really means is profit before people so that his huge salary and the board can have huge allowance. If not how? It is commonsense , right?
