Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Heart for the common man

A video contributed by a supporter.


  1. I do not understand why ppl say TKL is the underdog. Come on. He will win this election!

  2. Good work on this video.

    Kin Lian, some questions for you. Maybe you could answer them for me at the Wed rally.
    The role of the President is to safeguard my money & my father's money. I don't want to lose my hard-earned money through fraudulent money schemes like investing in Mini-bonds, quantitative easing/money printing or bad money managers who are paid huge sums but performed badly.

    I ask you, who is the group of people who is well paid, but lost our money investing overseas? Was Tony Tan a decision maker in GIC? Was he also involved in investments by Temasek Holdings?

    Would Lim Chee Onn make a better choice? He had ran the Keppel Group well & handed over in good form, before retiring. Why he not qualified to run? Someone up there don't like his face?

    What happened to our SuZhou long term investments? Did we make gains? Who decide to pump money in ailing US banks during 2008 financial crisis? Where is the money now?

    Who pump money into UK banks like Barclays? Into Swiss banks like UBS and Credit Suisse? Why didn't they pump money into McDonald's & Intel? Did our reserves guardian SR Nathan approved the use of these funds? Why not he approve these funds to help the unemployed & retired, instead of helping corporations subsidize their wages? I don't remember the Govt helping the unemployed in the last recession. Is this a good practice? I think new citizens & PRs & young people can get employed, but the older citizens may have problems competing with cheap, young foreign labor.

    A group of elites make the decisions. They are well compensated. But they made some bad mistakes, yet refuse to admit them. Am I wrong here? Please tell me?

  3. Yes, so sad, because Singapore and Singaporeans are all conditioned to look at a person's worth by how he speaks (good English) and how many professional degrees/certificates he has! Mr. Tan though may lack these, but come across to me as a person whose 2 feet are on the ground and dared to voice out for the people!! That to me is enough!
