Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Voice of the People

During the past two months, I have shared with you a wide range of issues that are of concern to Singaporeans, ranging from public transport, adequacy of CPF savings and national service. These were all drawn from my contacts with the people in recent years from my blog and other social media channels, my engagements through tiring weekends at Speaker's Corner, my letters to the Forum Page and a variety of other direct contacts.

If I secure the certificate of eligibility, I will campaign on the platform to be the "voice of the people".

If I am elected as President, I will use my President's Personal Council and other objective and enlightened engagement channels to help me identify other issues in due course. I will include relevant inputs from government officials and raise them in a constructive manner with the senior administrative officials and government ministers.

I am clear that the Elected President does NOT have the authority to directly effect the necessary changes and improvements. That does not matter as I intend to work in full co-operation with the government to find common ground on issues that the people feel strongly about. I believe that a good Government will be able to recognise a genuine call from the people and that the moral authority of the President will be sufficient weight for fair consideration.

Obviously, I will have to exercise discretion in raising the issues which are of greatest concern and urgency as well as those which are of real impact on Singapore. The rest will be left to the normal engagement mechanisms eg through the Grass-roots organisations and Members of Parliament. Most importantly, I will need to be genuinely independent of the elected Government of the day and will not hesitate to raise "adverse" issues. However, where there is need for confidentiality or discretion, I will know how to exercise this. I believe strongly that much can be achieved with a spirit of cooperation but it has to be both ways.

I know that almost every aspiring candidate is claiming to be Independent of the government. The people of Singapore is now much better educated and discerning. They can see who is truly independent and who simply cannot be!

We are going through a period of change where the views of the people are being genuinely sought and efforts put for the greater good. I give Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong full credit for articulating and starting this process. It is hoped that his entire government will progress in tandem with him and with the new Elected President.

As we enter into National Day month of August and the certainty of Presidential Elections, I ask the People of Singapore to judge me by my deeds and values and put your faith in me when they vote for the President.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I applause your forthright message and very much impressed with the positive attitude and honesty in sharing your personal view if elected to represent Republic of Singapore . Thank you andcwish all readers good health and happy 46 national day celebration . Majulah Singapura !

  2. I believe that a good Government will be able to recognise a genuine call from the people and that the moral authority of the President will be sufficient weight for fair consideration. Agree.

  3. I support your more open and transparent "simple" platform. Simple in the sense that it is not "politics" but the "People's Voice".

    It is certainly better than what Dr TT & NTUC is trying to do now.

    "Structurally", Dr TT is trying to get get the NTUC to support his candidacy by endorsement. Although NTUC is secretive about it at the moment, they will certainly turn up with hundreds of workers on Nomination day to show "overwhelming" support.

    In today's paper Dr TT is warning that S'pore is in uncharted territory...and uncertainties on a global level would "overwhelm" Singaporeans.

    See what Dr TT advocated way back in 2003 on workers' wages & CPF, and are the people "poorer" today in terms of retirement savings in the CPF -

    Read :- Presidential Election Watch Part III - Dr Tony Tan & Singaporeans' CPF Savings & Wage Cuts

    Note also how it hit the middle income earners as pointed out in the OCBC web-link in the article. And who was closely related to OCBC?

    I thought the EP should be apolitical. But are these all "politics" now? Is Dr TT really "independent" as he claimed?

  4. Definitely not independent, he tried to get NTUC to firmly endorse him as a candidate, and isn't NTUC a Govt appointed Labour Agency. He's slapping his own face now, earlier on, he denied he's the PAP endorsed candidate, and now he's actively seeking for it. And honesty is an important attribute for such a high Office.
    Common, Tan Senior, be transparent and responsible. Give us more insight about your Tan Junior's case to keep us informed to cast the right vote.
