Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bad clients

Somebody posted a few comments about bad clients who take advantage of good agents. I wish to ask this person to give more details about the bad behavior of the the clients. 


  1. Mr Tan may be right that there are many greedy agents who sell products to benefit themselves with high commission...

    however the other side of the story is clients generally have high expectation of their agents and I have seen good and kind agents who after following Mr Tan's advice to sell term to their clients n earn 20% comm from low premiums being made to service their clients high demands n expectations...

    so i guess in the end Mr Tan may be right but the fuller picture would be to look at the demands on an agents job... as it requires alot of dedication n commitment...

    The commission may or may not be more understandable after seeing the dedication and commitment..

  2. @7.54 pm. I expect that an agent should be able to manage this type of expectation. If the client wants to buy term insurance, ask them to visit you at your office, as you earn a low rate of commission.

  3. If insurance agents are only interested in the commission they are in the wrong trade. They should leave and join other trades where little harm is done even if their customers are sold the wrong product because the damage is ONCE and capped at the price charged.Whereas rotten life insurance won't be discovered after long time if the customers are comatose and damage is very extensive. Most customers are comatose. Imagine you discover the rotten return after 30 years, eg breakeven at 30th year.
    So , if insurance agents are just for the money please join other trades and if they want fast or get rich quick please rob the banks or insurance companies BUT DON'T ROB THE POOR MAN IN THE STREET and 99% of your clients are in this category.Don't think the rich is blind to trust you and need insurance.
