Friday, September 16, 2011

The Finnish education system

Here is an interesting comparison of the Finnish system and the Singapore system - may by a Singaporean who now works in Finnland.


  1. In Singapore the education system creates lots of stress, for students, teachers and even parents.

    So much so the joy of learning and discovery is lost on students. Teaching even becomes a chore for many because they cannot get other jobs they want.

    And despite all the stress and heavy load, does the output of our education system produces world class engineers, scientists, entrepeneurs or products that command the world market?

    Any Singapore equivalent of the Nokia brand, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg?

  2. S'pore Brands. SIA, Tiger beer, Capitaland.

    Anyway S'pore students always win top prizes internationally such as maths olympics, moot court for law students etc.
